


    Abstract: The memory of ancient camphor to ancient camphor for traction, emphasizes the pro- motion of traditional culture. Through the extraction of paper cutting, Pujiang welcome meeting and other decorative elements, they use in space pision, paving, and sketches, used to echo the theme. Generally design, the design pision for recreational area for the elderly, children's acti- vities area, quiet leisure areas, cultural display area, square at the entrance, in culture display area is focused on the design, by retro publicity column records Shi Dang village of development and change, and development of cultural protection history. Traffic flow is pided into two lines, one for the village entrance, a village entrance. In the survey, the main material used brick with marble, can better contrast the atmosphere, bearing culture. Tree species, choose local tree species, the survival rate is high, the latter effect is good. Lighting modeling can highlight the features of the night. These can better promote the theme, so as to deepen the understanding of folk culture and cognition, promote the outstanding traditional culture, the awakening of the protection of people's consciousness.

    Keywords: ancient camphor , memory , landscape design, Pujiang welcome meeting, cultural display area

    1  背景介绍 3

    2  条件分析 3

    3  设计的目的和意义 4

    4  方案概述(设计思路、设计方法、设计内容) 4

    4.1  设计思路 4

    4.2  设计方法 4

    4.3  设计内容 5

    4.3.1  空间区域划分及局部设计 5

    4.3.2  交通流线 5

    4.3.3  广场铺装 7

    4.3.4  树种应用 7

    4.3.5  灯具与照明应用 8

    5  创新与不足 8

    结论 9

    参考文献 10

    致谢 11

    附图 12

    1  背景介绍


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