




    Analysis on the Function of Graphics in Series Jewelry Packaging Design

    Abstract: This paper discusses the related problems involved in the application of graphics in packaging design, demonstrates the importance of graphics in packaging design, and the need for graphics to be strengthened in packaging design, so that graphics are more far behind in packaging design Impact.

    The rapid economic development of the city and the growing commercial competition, the growth of people's consumption level, led to the growing demand for luxury goods, luxury consumer layer is also constantly expanding. People eat and live outside the line, the quality of life with more pursuit. And the first jewelry for both luxury and ornaments for the unique personality immediately entered the public's eye, jewelry design continues to develop the market for jewelry packaging design requirements are getting higher and higher. Although the jewelry packaging on the jewelry itself has important significance, but the current point of view its design has not received due attention.

    With the prosperity and development of economy and design, people's demand for jewelry is no longer only stay in the preservation and appreciation of the level, but gradually improve the overall design of the brand, quality and experience requirements. Therefore, if you can on the basis of excellent jewelry design with a decent package presented in the consumer barely, it will be able to bring more surprises to the market.

    Keywords: Packaging design, graphics, emotional , extensibility, jewelry packaging


    摘要 2-3

    目录 4

    引言 5

    第一章、首饰品品牌设计定位 5

    1.1 市场调研 5

    1.2 品牌与包装分析 6

    1.3 产品定位 6

    1.4 目标人群定位 6

    第二章、刻品牌设计展开 6

    2.1 “刻”品牌故事 6

    2.2 “刻”LOGO设计 6

    2.3 图形设计 6

    2.4 品牌颜色选择 6

    2.5 包装设计结构 6

    2.6 海报设计 9


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