


    毕业论文关键词 品包装设计、消费者心理与行为、情感传达、色彩、品牌构造

    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要

    Title    Product packaging design exploration                                                                        


    Product packaging design is refers to choose appropriate packaging materials,according to the characteristics of the product itself and the factors related to audience's preferences, by means of clever technology, for the product of the container structure modelling beautification adornment design and packaging.

    People’s spiritual world rich and colorful,people in the pursuit of material abundance but also in the pursuit of spiritual care and satisfaction. A product’s packaging directly affect customer purchasing psychology, product pachaging is the most direct advertising. Strategy positioning accurate and in line with the consumer psychology of product packaging design, can help enterprises in numerous competition brands stand out. Excellent packaging, not only in the mall will attract customer’s attention, will also further improve products, is can’t ignore any well-known enterprise’s market strategy. This paper mainly explores the current consumer psychology and behavior, emotion, color, brand construction and so on angles to illustrate influence to product packaging design.

    Keywords  product packaging design, consumer psychology and behavior, emotion, color, brand construction

    目   次

    1 绪论 2

    2 产品包装设计概述 3

    2.1 产品包装设计概念 3

    2.2 设计要点 3

    2.2.1 包装标签 3

    2.3 产品包装设计中的外形要素 4

    2.4 产品包装设计对生活的影响与意义 4

    3 消费心理与行为对产品包装设计的影响 4

    3.1消费的动机 5

    3.2 产品包装对消费的心理影响 5

    3.3 满足消费者的消费心理需求 5

    3.4产品包装设计的心理要求 6

    3.5满足消费者的求美、求趣心理 6

    4 情感传达对产品包装设计的影响 6

    4.1 产品包装设计中的情感符号 6

    4.2 产品包装设计中的情感传达 7

    4.3 在产品包装设计中运用情感性符号的意义

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