


    The exploration of arts collection and creation

    Abstract:Watercolor painting mainly come from collection and creation. On a book tour in Yunnan, the local building is unique, especially the aesthetic perception generated by the fusion of architecture and landscape ,which  let me literally fed the significance of collection in the creation of watercolor landscape paintings. During the collection and creation, meanwhile feeding the beauty of the scenery ,some froms of embellishment shall be done ,Cutting apart what you see and observing it, then organizing it,which can make beauteousness come into being in the picture. In this paper ,I chiefly probe into the effect of wet drawing method , dry drawing method. Leave a note on frames, and my feeling and experiences on technique of expression after appreciate some superexcellence watercolor paintings. Collection can not only cultivate and training our abilities of composition, the sensitiveness to colors and the abilities of loading the overall atmosphere. Bur also, promote our aesthetic level and professional literacies by osmosis.At the same time, it can also promote the abilities of imaged thinking to gather materials which can be used in creative works of more artistic forms of expression.

    Keywords: arts collection; Creation; The art processing

    目 录

    一、创作题材的由来 1

    二、作品的构图与主色调 1

    三、水彩画技法在画面中的表现 2

    (一)湿画法 2

    (二)干画法 3

    (三)留白 3

    (四)喷水法 4

    (五)使用纸胶带 5

    四、结    论 5

    五、致    谢 6

    六、参考文献 7

    一、 创作题材的由来 



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