
    摘 要:本次方案局部的采用“原木”风格处理,大体的设计比较简洁。此空间占地面积 有 320 多平方米,分为 2 层,一层面积为 170 平方米,主要是美发区域,二层面积为 140 平方米,主要是美容区域。通过采用木头的质感表现,格调高雅,造型简朴优美。在设计 中,运用简洁的造型让空间变得更宽敞的感觉,使之透光性增强;在施工工艺上,强调成 熟稳重;在色彩搭配上,舍弃繁复的装饰,通过木头的颜色明亮给人以自然、整洁、幽静 的感觉。通过错落有致的绿植以及装饰品的摆放使整个空间充满活力。本次设计的方案强 调木头的用色和造型装饰,以自然为本,使“原木”风格得到了更好的诠释。70535


    Abstract:The program is positioned as a new Chinese style, local use of Chinese style processing, the general design is relatively simple. This space covers an area of more than 320 square meters, is pided into 2 layers, an area of 170 square meters, mainly hair area, two floor area of 140 square meters, mainly in the area of beauty. Through the use of the new Chinese style, elegant style, simple and elegant appearance. In the design, the use of simple shapes for the space becomes a more spacious feeling, enhance the transparency; in the construction process, emphasizing the mature; in color matching, abandon the complicated decorations, through the

    wood color bright for people to natural, clean, quiet feeling. The design of the program emphasizes the use of wood and plastic decorative, natural as the theme, to log as the theme, so that the new Chinese style has been a better interpretation.

    Key words: Beauty salon, space, decoration

    目 录

    1 前言 6

    2 设计背景介绍 6

    2.1 设计背景分析 6

    2.2 设计功能区分析 7

    3 设计目标及意义 8

    3.1 设计目标 8

    3.2 设计意义 8

    4 设计硬装分析 9

    4.1 吧台、前台效果图 9

    4.2 理发区、洗发区效果图 9

    4.3 女士包间效果图 10

    4.4 男士包间效果图 10

    4.5 双人包间效果图 11

    4.6 汗蒸房效果图 11

    5 方案创新与不足 12

    5.1 方案的创新 12

    5.2 方案的不足 12

    结 语 13

    参考文献 14

    致 谢 15

    作品完成稿 16


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