     With the development of modern fast-paced, diversification and individualization of social life, modern art has become an integral part of human life. Increasing people's aesthetic ideas, demands more and more high, there have been many to "express yourself"-centric ideology. How to comply with the social development, designed to meet the modern needs of modern art, is a contemporary artist to study key subjects. Today, the comprehensive idea of art has become an important trend in the creation of contemporary works of art. Therefore, artists change traditional performance practices and attitudes of the past, advancing with the times, to emerge. Growing a variety of performance practices in the modern works of art, showing a wide range of integrated forms. In the area of modern three-dimensional modeling, materials have been used to aesthetic and visual media, materials used in solid modeling performance plays a very important role.
        Stereo shaping in this study on the graduation design work was mainly dominated by modern sculpture, painted after the materials used on the modern three-dimensional modeling, this decorative language of modern art. This topic focuses on modern three-dimensional modeling and application of lacquer, the original stereo shaping and based on traditional lacquer, solid modeling and combination of lacquer, to combine modern style and traditional crafts, brave breakthroughs, innovation. Lacquer as a long history, with a rich tradition of expressive art to combine it with a modern three-dimensional modeling will be able to present a better visual effect. Combination of modern decorative art works will be able to better highlight today's personality principles need to be respected by the people, to the people who love life to create an artistic atmosphere and more diverse living environments.

    Key words:modern three-dimensional modeling,lacquer,personality,          
    目  录
    摘  要 2
    引  言 5
    一、    立体造型的运用5
      (一)立体造型的概述 5
      (二)现代雕塑的概述 6
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