    关键词: 五谷杂粮;视觉元素;道教;膳行
    With the rapid growth of the national economy and constantly improvement of living standards, consumers have begun to pay more and more attention to health and healthy diet, therefore the development of whole grains food has become the inevitable trend. With the development of whole grains food industry, the competition is becoming increasingly intensified among coarse grain food industry. Many enterprises coarse grains product packaging have been unable to adapt to the corresponding consumer’s cultural taste, aesthetic requirements and market demand. How to design the high quality life packaging which can both has the local characteristics and satisfy consumers psychology demands is the direction that we should consider and research. This article firstly researches and analyses the existing coarse grain product packaging on the market, combining with consumers purchasing psychology, which sums up the existing problems in the design of coarse grain product packaging. At the same time, it also researches and analyses the commons between Chinese traditional culture—Taoist ,the thoughts and ideas of how to keep in good health with whole grains. Through the design of visual elements in packaging, which conveys the enterprise culture of created brand "Shan Xing". Furthermore, it hopes that through shaping and practices the brand "Shan Xing” will bring more broad prospects for the promotion of whole grains brands in the future.
    key words: Coarse cereals; Visual elements; Taoism; Shan Xing
    绪论 .4
    第一章 现代包装中五谷杂粮的包装设计 5
       一、 五谷杂粮包装的定义 5
       二、 五谷杂粮包装设计的现状 5
    三、 小结 7
    第二章 包装设计与消费心理 8
    一、 消费心理的定义 8
    二、 产品包装与消费心理 8
    三、 消费心理对五谷杂粮产品包装设计中视觉元素的影响 .9
    (一) 视觉元素的概念 9
    (二) 视觉元素在五谷杂粮产品包装设计中的现状 9
    三、 小结 .11
    第三章 自创品牌的设计分析与实践 .12
    一、 膳行品牌的简介 .12
    二、 膳行品牌市场分析 .12
    三、 道教文化与五谷杂粮养生之间的关系 .12
    四、 膳行五谷杂粮包装中视觉元素的运用 .13
    五、小结 .16
    结论 17
    致谢 18
    参考文献 19
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