    关键词  景观照明设计    照明    轮廓    泛光  
    毕 业 论 文 外 文 摘 要
      The former Republic of the central password Council landscape transformation ---Lighting Design                                                   
    For the pursuit of material progress with the times, people are slowly improved, along with the spiritual pursuit has reached a higher level. Landscape design, lighting design in the design stage of "personalized" stage of development, at this stage, the city lights night landscape should have a distinct cultural connotation and artistic characteristics, profound cultural taste, available not only appreciate the depth, flavor, the better to convey the characteristics and personality of the city, and to stimulate public awareness of the emotional characteristics of the cultural landscape and iconic facilities and cultural connotation of the carrier is fully apparent, and by the light.Landscape lighting is an important part of landscape design, not only enhance the city image, and improved play an active role in improving people's quality of life. In this paper the development of landscape lighting design, basic principles of design, lightingmethods were introduced, and this plays a guiding role in future lighting design.
    The basic functions of lighting design in the landscape design is the production of the service of mankind, live and play, rest; followed by decorative features, is the ideal environment to create an agreeable. This article from the stage of development of the landscape design, lighting design, there are, the principles of lighting design methods combined with the landscape transformation of the former site of the actual case of the Republic of Central password Bureau expositions. It is not only beneficial to the public, favorable health and enhance beauty, but also from the space, tone and level to make it with environmental modeling requirements and style consistent.
    Keywords :Landscape lighting  design lighting  contour  floodlight
    目   次
    1引言…………………………………………………………………………………… 1
    1.1精神的内在需要…………………………………………………………………… 1
    1.2美化阶段…………………………………………………………………………… 1
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