


    Research on molecular docking and virtual site-directed mutagenesis of an Esterase from Microbacterium Chocolatum SIT01

    Abstract: Biotin is an important material to maintain homeostasis in vivo, which is widely is widely used in medicine, animal husbandry and fermentation industries. Biotin intermediate monoester is an important intermediate for the production of biotin. In our previous study, we found that specific esterase from Microbacterium chocolatum could hydrolyze biotin-diester to become biotin monoester, and to achieve solubility in E. coli expression. In this paper, we researched and analyzed the binding mode between enzyme and substrate, and found three amino acid residues Ser (110), Asp (268) and His (330) which interact with the substrate. We made virtual mutation on five amino acids ASN(43), TRP(50), TRP(203), TYR(217) and TRP(227) near the active site of enzyme. Protein sequence mutated was used in molecular docking. It's got that the amino acid near the activity center of esterase mutated led to the increasement of binding energy needed in the combination of enzyme and substrate. It can indicate that the change of these amino acid residues in enzyme will affect the conjugation between enzyme and substrate.

    Key Words: EstSIT01;Molecular Docking;Mutation


    1.前言 1

    1.1开题依据 1

    1.2生物催化 1

    1.3酯酶 1

    1.3.1酯酶 2

    1.3.2酯酶的催化机理 3

    1.3.3酯酶的应用 3

    1.4分子对接 4

    1.4.1分子对接简介 4

    1.4.2分子对接研究进展 5

    1.4.3 分子对接的应用 6

    1.5生物素 7

    1.6本课题意义及主要研究内容 7

    1.6.1研究内容 7

    1.6.2意义 8

    2 实验部分 8

    2.1实验软件 8

    2.1.1Autodocking Tools 8

    2.1.2Swiss-Pdbv 8

    2.2实验方法 9

    2.1.1分子对接 9

    2.2.2虚拟位点突变 10

    2.2.3 突变结果分析 11


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