

    毕业论文关键词:多靶点; 抗肿瘤; 靶向治疗; 结合位点


    Today, there are 2.2 million cancer patients in china,and the task of developing anti-tumor drugs is arduous and lengthy. At present, there are several methods for the treatment of malignant tumors, including: radiotherapy, chemotherapy and surgery, etc.. Surgery is the primary treatment for malignant tumors, but it is often unable for the more advanced malignant tumors, especially with the metastasis of the tumor.At this time,chemotherapy is become the main treatment measure in most cases.. The biggest disadvantage of chemotherapy is that there is no selective to the medicine. Since most of the commonly used anti tumor drug molecules are small, so when these drugs into the human body system, it is easy to spread to all parts of the. However, the lack of specific affinity of these drugs will not be able to selectively enriched in pathological organs and tissues, so it can not achieve the desired therapeutic effect. In addition, in the process of diffusion of the drug in the body, the drug can only pass through numberous of biological barriers and part of the barrier, such as other healthy cells, tissues and organs in the absence of pathological regions. In these parts, drugs not only failed to give full play of the efficacy, but also have the side effects of these organs. For the pathological parts, the drug can not reach the required concentration so can not play an ideal therapeutic effect for us. Traditional cytotoxic drugs have poor selectivity, strong side effects, easy to produce drug resistance and other characteristics and target anti-tumor drugs can effectively for the difference between normal and tumor cells, to achieve the therapeutic effect of low toxicity, high selectivity. As the protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor named Gleevec was constantly emerging, research and development of anti tumor access in a new stage - Targeted Therapy. As a target of the drug didn't kill tumor cells thoroughly, therefore, a variety of drugs combined with drug treatment become the main strategy for cancer treatment. Although this method can achieve the desired therapeutic effects in a certain extent can achieve the desired therapeutic effect, but due to multiple drugs each other easy interaction, such as the absorption and metabolism of drugs impact, even in the absence of interaction These drugs are usually unable to be applied to dose combination, inpidually. Hence, we can refer to the principle of multiple drugs and using method of "pharmacophore split" in this paper, two or more than two kinds of pharmacophore will knock together in a molecule, the molecule itself or its metabolites have effect on two or more targets, to creat synergistic in order to enhance the curative effect.

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