

    Abstract Excessive amounts of total phosphorus in the water can cause eutrophication of water, deteriorate the water quality. So it’s very important to detect and control the content of total phosphorus in environmental water. In this article we use the microfluidic chip coated with TiO2 thin film in it’s inner wall as the reactor vessel, in which photocatalytic degradation of organophosphorus in water samples is performed effectively, and combined with the ammonium molybdate spectrophotometric method to determine the absorbance of the degradation products . Using chlorpyrifos as the organophosphorus sample, the effects of factors such as oxidant, temperature, flow rate, the initial pH of samples on the degradation rate of chlorpyrifos are investigated. The linear range of phosphate standard curve for chlorpyrifos are also determined. Finally, the micro analysis system integrated with sample photocatalytic degradation and online detection of phosphate ion is established. According to the experimental, under the conditions of flow rate of sample being 400 u L/h; flow rate of molybdate, ascorbic acid being 150 u L/h,with no oxidant; and the chlorpyrifos sample being pH 9; temperature is 30 degrees Celsius, the highest photodegradation rate of chlorpyrifos reached to 92.04%; and the linear range of phosphate standard solution is 1-50 mg/L, the correlation coefficient is 0.9917. The total time of one analysis procedure for determination of total phosphorus was no more than 500s.


    keyword: The degradation of organic phosphorus;Photocatalytic oxidation;Total phosphorus;Online detecting

    1 引言 6

    2 实验内容 7

    2.1仪器与试剂 7

    2.2总磷的微量测定方法建立总磷测定的标准曲线 8

    2.2.1总磷含量 8

    2.2.2总磷的在线检测 9

    3 实验结果 10

    3.1毒死蜱的光降解条件考察 10

    3.1.1 氧化剂的选择 10

    3.1.2反应物流速的选择 11

    3.1.3反应温度的选择 11

    3.1.4样品初始pH的选择 12

    3.1.5 毒死蜱初始浓度的影响 13

    3.2磷酸盐标样的在线检测 13

    3.3 毒死蜱样品含量测定及加标回收率 14

    4 结论 15

    参考文献 16

    1 引言

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