    关键词  发电厂  变电所  电气主接线  继电保护
    Title          XX power plant substation design          
    Power plants are an integral part of the system, directly affect the operation and safety of the power system. Power generation, substation, transmission and electricity and other aspects of the composition of energy production and consumption systems, power plants are the basis of its operation, the substation is connected to the production side and consumption side of the bridge.
    According to national norms manual, we conducted the design. The design of two 25MW and two 50MW thermal power plant substation design, mainly carried out a wiring design. Determine the main electrical wiring, auxiliary power wiring. And by calculating the short-circuit current, select the type of each electrical equipment. We have done a more detailed elaboration. Secondary wiring introduces the control and signal power plants and transformer protection analyzes of longitudinal differential protection were analyzed tuning. Draw the main wiring diagram, floor plan, the second part of the map.
    Keywords  Power plant  Substation  Main electrical wiring  Protection
    目  录
    1  引言    1
    2  发电厂电气主接线设计    2
    2.1  资料分析    2
    2.2  主接线方案的拟订    2
    2.3  主接线方案的评定    3
    2.4  发电机及变压器的选择    4
    3 厂用电设计    5
    3.1  负荷的分类与统计    5
    3.2  厂用电接线的设计    6
    3.3  厂用变压器的选择    6
    4  短路电流计算    8
    4.1  概述    8
    4.2  系统电气设备标幺电抗计算    8
    4.3  短路电流计算    9
    5 导体、电缆、架空导体的选择    17
    5.1  导体的选择    17
    5.2  电缆的选择    18
    5.3 架空导线的选择    19
    6 高压电气设备的选择    20
    6.1  断路器与电抗器的选择    20
    6.2  隔离开关的选择    26
    6.3  互感器的配置    29
    7  发电厂的控制与信号    30
    7.1控制系统    30
    7.2  断路器的控制与信号    30
    7.3  中央信号装置    30
    7.4  除灰系统    30
    8  变压器的保护    31
    8.1   瓦斯保护    31
    8.2  纵联差动保护    31
    结  论    35
    致  谢    36
    参 考 文 献    37
    附录A  电气主接线    38
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