    The design task is "Dejiang power plant and Jin Shun regional power grid planning and design", design content for: power plant generator model and parameters are selected to determine the power plant of the main electrical wiring and the step-up transformer units, type, capacity and parameter. Reactive power balancing scheme is developed to determine the compensation capacity of each node. Preliminary plan of regional power grid. The cross section of each transmission line is calculated by power flow calculation, and the network loss and voltage drop of the wire are calculated. Integrated power flow calculation results for economic comparison, the selected optimal scheme. Calculation of short circuit current in the selected area of Jin and shun. The main equipment of the electric main wiring is selected by the result of the calculation of the short circuit. Configuration of power system relay protection equipment. The power balance scheme, power flow calculation and short circuit calculation of the regional power network are the difficult points and key points of the design. The calculation of these parts is related to the selection of all equipment in the late period, through these calculations can also find the early selection of errors. And equipment selection is often related to the reliability, flexibility and economy of the power system. The premise of power system design is reliability, flexibility and economy.This design is based on the premise of the three points to carry out.
    Key words: power balance; power flow calculation; short circuit calculation; reliability; flexibility; economy
    目  录
    第一章  德江火电厂与平乡水电厂发电机型号、参数的选择    1
    第二章  发电厂电气主接线的选择    2
    2.1德江火电厂电气主接线的选择    2
    2.2平乡水电厂电气主接线的选择    2
    第三章  发电厂升压变压器台数、型号、容量、参数的确定    3
    3.1德江火电厂升压变压器的选择    3
    3.2平乡水电厂升压变压器的选择    3
    第四章  拟定地区电网结线方案    5
    第五章  制定无功平衡方案,决定各节点补偿容量    7
    5.1电网结线方案一的无功平衡方案与相关计算    7
    5.2电网结线方案二的无功平衡方案与相关计算    10
    第六章  架空线路的选择,导线的网损    13
    6、1方案一架空线路导线型号的选择    13
    1) 德江火电厂至乐亭变电所段架空线路导线型号选择    13
    2) 德江火电厂至锦顺枢纽变电所段架空线路导线型号选择    13
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