

    毕业论文关键词  工厂供电   变电所  负荷计算  主接线方案  继电保护  电气设备


    Title Some chemical fiber total distribution substation woolen mill (belt - workshop substation high voltage distribution) and high voltage power distribution system design

    Abstract The main purpose of this paper is the power supply design for chemical fiber woolen mill. The main task of it is to ensure electrical energy from the power supply to the electricity department, Safe, reliable, economic and high quality. It must strictly abide by state's relevant laws、regulations、standards and specifications and must proceed from the global, reasonably determine the overall design scheme. Factory design includes the contents of distribution are: load calculation, calculation of reactive power compensation; the choice of the distribution of the site and type; the selection of main transformer substation sets, capacity and type; As a main wiring scheme of power distribution design; the calculation of short-circuit current; the selection of distribution of a device; the way of distribution of the secondary loop and selection and setting of relay protection device; distribution of the lightning protection and grounding device design; and selection of electrical equipment. 

    Keywords  Factory power supply    Load calculation   The main wiring scheme    Relay protection  Electrical equipment

    1   绪论  1

    1.1 工厂供电设计的任务和应遵循的一般原则  1

    1.2 工厂变配电所设计和高压配电线路设计的基本内容  1

    1.3 对本毕业设计(论文)课题成果的要求  2

    2   设计依据的原始资料........................................  3

    2.1 化纤毛纺厂总平面布置图  3

    2.2 化纤毛纺厂生产概况  3

    2.3 化纤毛纺厂各车间的负荷情况及车间变电所的容量  3

    2.4 供用电协议  4

    2.5 化纤毛纺厂负荷性质  5

    2.6 化纤毛纺厂自然条件  5

    3   负荷计算与无功功率补偿....................................  6

    3.1 化纤毛纺厂负荷的确定  6

    3.2 无功功率补偿及其计算  9

    4   总降压变电所的所址和型式 10 

    4.1 变配电所所址的选择 10 

    4.2 变电所主变压器台数和容量的选择 12

    5   总降压变电所的主接线方案 12

    5.1 电气主接线的设计步骤 12

    5.2 化纤毛纺厂总降压变电所主接线方案的具体设计与选择 12

    6   短路计算及一次设备的选择 14

    6.1 短路计算 14

    6.2 一次设备的选择 18

    7   选择化纤毛纺厂电源进线及高压配电方案 21

    7.1 选择化纤毛纺厂电源进线 21

    7.2 380V低压出线的选择  22

    8   电源进线的二次回路方案与继电保护的整定 23

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