





    毕业论文关键词  质子交换膜燃料电池  分数阶建模  温度模型  仿真 


    Title    Fractional modeling and Simulating of proton exchange membrane fuel cells                    


    Nowadays energy shortage is a more and more serious problem in our society.environmental pollution and air damage caused by traditional energy is in urgent need of new energy.Proton exchange membrane fuel cell(PEMFC) has many advantages,such as good stability,high power desity and fast response ,which makes it possible to attract more and more attention.

    According to the research ,temperature has important influence on the output characteristics of the stack. But in recent years, researches on fuel cells is almost in integer order,Without considering the fractional characteristics . The most important part of this paper is the comparison between the integer order model and the fractional order model. The steps are as follows:

    (1)According to the distribution of the heat stack, we can set up the mathematical model of heat loss of each part. Then we can build the integral  order temperature model of PEMFC. The fitting formula of the optimum working temperature is obtained.

    (2) The stack temperature in the PEMFC generation process , the diffusion is fractional.In this paper,This module is set to fractional order model . Then we can build the matlab/SIMULINK circuit with the fractional theory and the temperature mechanism model.The simulation results are compared with the integer order simulation results, the results shows that curve graph of fractional order is more rich, more close to the actual situation, the simulation results are more accurate.

     Based on the analysis of the static model of temperature,we can get the  stack temperature changes of the stable process,the heat consumption, as well as the temperature model respectively in the fractional and integer order form,the influence that temperature changes when  voltage of the output electrical characteristics varies gradually.

    Keywords  PEMFC  fractional modeling  temperature model  simulation 

    1  引言 2

    1.1 题目背景及意义 2

    1.2  分数阶理论在PEMFC在国内外研究现状 5

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