

    毕业论文关键词  液位单回路控制系统  组态软件  动态数据交换


    Title  The Design of Control System and Implementation of Dynamic Data Exchange Technology

    Abstract The laboratory tank system is used as the controlled object of level single-loop control system.The process control system design methods and digital PID control algorithm are introduced.The test of the USB-4711A interface board is completed.Using the USB-4711A interface board, the parameter tuning and the design of level single-loop control system are achieved.Basics and use-method of Intouch industrial configuration software and the basic principle of dynamic data exchange are introduced.Using Intouch industrial configuration software, control interface of control system is designed.Using dynamic data exchange technology, real-time data exchange between control interface and control software is achieved.Finally the monitoring of level single-loop control system by Intouch industrial configuration software is realized.

    Keywords  Level single-loop control system  Configuration software  Dynamic data exchange

    目   次

    1  引言 1

    1.1  课题的研究背景及意义 1

    1.2  过程控制系统的发展 1

    1.3  课题研究内容及章节安排 3

    2  过程控制实验装置简介 4

    2.1  组合式过程控制系统 4

    2.2  液位传感器 4

    2.3  电动比例阀 5

    2.4  USB接口板卡及接口功能 5

    2.4.1  USB-4711A接口板卡介绍 5

    2.4.2  板卡的驱动配置 7

    2.4.3  A/D功能的实现 9

    2.4.4  D/A功能的实现 10

    3  VC++与Intouch间DDE技术的实现 12

    3.1  VC++介绍 12

    3.2  组态软件InTouch介绍 12

    3.3  动态交换技术及实现的方法 13

    3.3.1  动态数据交换(DDE)介绍 13

    3.3.2  动态数据交换实现的方法 14

    4  液位单回路控制系统的设计 17

    4.1  液位单回路控制系统控制原理 17

    4.2  PID控制器 18

    4.4  控制系统程序设计 19

    5  系统组态设计及运行分析 22

    5.1   组态界面设计

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