


    Abstract:In this paper, I describe the basic concept of the power system, and emphatically expound the concept of power flow calculation and the important action of power flow calculation in the power system operation. Using C/C++ program language, compile the AC power flow calculation program of random multiply generators power system which base on the PQ method. In the program, the original data (such as the information of node, feeder, generator and load and so on) of the power system are inputted from the data file, the results (such as node voltage, feeder power and the loss of the mesh) are outputted to the data file. At last, using this program calculate a practice power system, and analogy what the infection that the factors such as the choice of the balance point, circulations and the voltage and so on will course to the total loss of the mesh.

    Keywords: C/C++,power system,power flow calculation,P-Q Algorithm


    1 绪论 4

    1.1 课题的背景与意义 4

    1.2 国内外研究现状 4

    1.3 本文工作 6

    2 电力系统的基本元件及其等值电路 8

    2.1 电力系统的基本元件 8

    2.2 电力系统元件的数学模型 8

    3 P-Q分解法 11

    3.1节点类型 11

    3.2导纳矩阵的形成 11

    3.3节点功率方程式 11

    3.4相关功率计算 12

    3.5 牛顿-拉夫逊法的思想核心 13

    3.6 P-Q分解法基本原理 16

    3.7 基本步骤 19

    3.8 程序流程框图 21

    3.9 注意事项 22

    4 程序设计 23

    4.1 方案选择及说明 23

    4.2 C/C++编程说明及元件描述 24

    5 算例分析 26

    5.1 实际电力系统计算 26

    5.2平衡节点的选定对系统总网损的影响 29

    5.3 给定电压对系统总网损的影响 29

    5.4不同运行方式对系统总网损的影响 30

    总结和展望 33

    参考文献 34

    致谢 35

    附录 36

    1 绪论

    1.1 课题的背景与意义


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