



    毕业论文关键词:计算机联锁  电厂站  故障-安全  AutoCAD

    Computer Interlocking Design for Dianchang Station


      Computer interlocking system is the most widely used interlocking system in our country.Compared with the traditional electric interlocking system, through combining the communication technology, computer control technology and the reliability, security theory of railway signal design ,the interlocking computer can better realize the function of station interlocking control . The design of Dianchang Station selected the DS6-60 type of computer interlocking system developed by the Research and Design Institute of CRSC Corporation. The interlock machine uses the Double 2-Vote-2 redundant structure and the I/O uses the dual redundancy configuration, which reached the requirements of failure- Safety .

      This paper introduced the computer interlocking system firstly,including the structure and principle of the system, then introduced the DS6-60 system which is used in the engineering design of Dianchang Station. The remaining is the instruction of the design.The graduation design using AutoCAD for engineering design, including the layout of signal, interlocking table, layout of track circuit, listing table of combination,circuit of relay interface , circuit of drive&collection and wiring table. 

      This paper contain 40 illustrations and 21 references.

    Key Words: computer interlocking  Dianchang Station  fault- Safety  AutoCAD


                         目   录 

    摘要 I

    Abstract II

    目录 III

    图清单 V

    1 绪论 1

    1.1 计算机联锁系统概述 1

    1.2工程设计 4

    1.3设计主要内容 4

    2 DS6-60型计算机联锁系统概述 5

    2.1 DS6-60型计算机联锁的系统结构 5

    2.2 DS6-60计算机联锁系统的特点 6

    3 车站平面信号布置图 7

    3.1车站概述 7

    3.2信号平面布置图绘制 7

    4 联锁表的编制 12

    4.1方向栏 12

    4.2进路栏 12


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