
    摘 要铁路作为我国的交通支柱是必要的基础交通设施,是面向每个中国人的最普通的交通工具,同时也关系到人民的经济和生命安全。




    毕业论文关键词:铁路信号机  灯丝转换  监测系统  单片机

    Design of railway signal lights monitoring system based on SCM


      As China's road transport is essential pillars of our nation's transportation infrastructure, it is for each Chinese person's most common means of transport, but also related to the economy and the lives of the people.

      Railway signal condition monitoring technology is a relation to road traffic safety and patency of the important railway signaling technology. Existing rail lights are mostly dual filament structure redundant structure, when the main open filament, filament vice will switch to the working circuit. But the main and auxiliary filament switching time is longer, do not know the specific location of the fault signal bit address, so that is not conducive to the maintenance staff, increase the amount of work intensity, fault signal can not be repaired in time.

      This design of railway signal condition monitoring system consists of a central controller, a data acquisition device, the filament converter module and a power supply circuit of several important modules. Filament by filament status monitoring signal conversion means, and then by the data acquisition means filament status information centralized and converted into digital signals are then transmitted to the interior of the master controller via RS485 communication module, and finally by the LCD display.

      This design of the system lean, safe and stable operation, saving labor and railway resources, highly practical. The system will effectively blend traditional relay technology and embedded technology, can monitor the primary and secondary filament state and the failure of timely and accurate information signal is transmitted to the main controller. Based on the railway signal monitoring system hardware and software design to ensure system security and stability, in line with the stringent requirements of railway signaling systems.

    Key word:Railway signal  the filament converter   monitoring system  Single chip microcomputer

    目  录

    摘 要-I


    目 录III



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