



    毕业论文关键词:轨道交通  地铁  环境与设备监控系统


    Design of Monitoring and Control System for Rail Transit Station Equipment


    Due to the accelerated process of urbanization in China, the number of urban population explosion, traffic congestion has become increasingly serious problem. How to solve this problem is imminent, the current effective way is to optimize the construction of urban rail transit system. Now, the subway has become our daily essential travel tools, in our lives plays an important role. The reason is that it is convenient and fast, in a large extent ease the traffic pressure, so we must ensure the reliability of rail transit station equipment. The subway station is very crowded public places, so we must construct station equipment monitoring system (BAS) to passengers with a comfortable environment, so as to facilitate management and control system of the device in the subway station, each configuration to maximize the use of, and ultimately to achieve normal operation situation and disaster emergency treatment. Based on the preliminary design scheme, the software and hardware design of the station level BAS system is carried out. In the hardware design, respectively according to the characteristics and requirements of elevated station and underground stations each constructed hierarchical network structure design single ended dual redundant system and ab at both ends of the system, and the system interface and hardware selection and configuration.

    Station equipment monitoring system has been built through the construction of the line experience, how to reasonably implement the subway station in the comprehensive operation of electrical and mechanical equipment management and control. How to improve the development of the environment and equipment monitoring system technology based on the existing experience and the latest technology. Station equipment monitoring system is of the ventilation and air conditioning system, to the drainage equipment, escalators, elevators, lighting equipment, guide signs, stations, emergency lighting power supply device for comprehensively and effectively for automated monitoring and management, to ensure that the equipment in a safe, reliable, efficient and energy-saving best operation state, thus providing a comfortable environment for passengers, and in fires and other disasters or blocking state, better coordination of station equipment operation, give full play to the role of all equipment should be to ensure the safety of passengers and equipment normal operation.

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