
    摘  要:伴随着不断增加的机动车辆,城市交通不断地提高和改进,智能交通红绿灯对于交通的安全性越来越重要,特别是自定义时钟自动控制的红绿灯,这对行人、司机通过路口的安全性,规律性更加的重要。自定义时钟脉冲的交通红绿灯有较强的自动化、数字化、小功率、多样化的特点,方便了人、车、路三者关系的协调性



    Abstract:Along with the continuous increasing of motor vehicles and improvement of urban traffic, intelligent traffic lights are more and more important for safety of traffic, especially custom clock automatic control of traffic lights, which is more important for walkers and drivers to cross road safely and regularly. The traffic lights of the custom clock pulse, with feature of automatic, digital, small power and persified, facilitate the coordination of the relationship between the three persons, cars and road.

    Custom clock control traffic lights system uses STC89C52 microcontroller to design, and LED digital display, through the P1 port of STC89C52 chip set red, green fuel bright time can according to the actual traffic flow control. In this design, I will use the C programming language, using Keil software to simulate the traffic light control system. This design through introduces the history and the actuality of traffic lights, to show that the requirements of the design task, and according to the requirements of the mission design, function design and scheme discussion, custom clock pulse of the traffic lights control.

    Key words: custom clock pulse, Traffic light control, MCU STC89C52 , LED

    目  录


    1  绪论 4

    1.1  红绿灯的发展背景及研究意义 4

    1.2  现在城市路口红绿灯控制技术现状 4

    1.3  单片机的概述 4

    1.4  方案的设计与论证 5

    1.4.1  电源提供方案 6

    1.4.2  显示界面方案 6

    1.4.3  输入方案 6

    2  系统硬件的设计 7

    2.1  系统硬件结构设计 7

    2.2  单片机的选择 8

    2.3  单片机的基本结构 9

    2.4  单片机外围电路设计 12

    2.4.1  复位电路设计 12

    2.4.2  外部晶振时钟电路设计 12

    2.4.3  显示模块电路设计 13

    3  红绿灯控制系统的设计 15

    3.1  十字路口红绿灯具体的控制要求 15

    3.3  十字路口红绿灯示意图 15

    4  红绿灯控制系统程序编制

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