

    毕业论文关键词:AT89S52单片机  时间显示  倒计时  交通灯 

    The traffic light design based on single chip microcomputer

    Abstract   The continuous development of city, the progress of the society, also led to the demand of urban traffic is becoming more and more high. Now, the motor vehicle, intersection traffic also is particularly important, influence people normal life. Since the social development, many scientific workers design traffic technology, invented many conducive to the development of traffic tools. At present, the intersection signal is used to control traffic, because light automatic control not only, and easy to maintain. A lot of light is moving toward a more accurate, more persity, convenient traffic management. Crossroads vehicle flow is much more special, people to control the traffic, take an examination of is the traffic light automatic control. Method to control the traffic light a lot, our system USES a single chip microcomputer AT89S52 devices design, realized the function of controlling traffic lights out. 

    Key Words: AT89S52 single chip microcomputer   Traffic lights   Countdown. Time to show


    摘  要 III

    Abstract IV

    目录 V

    1 绪论 1

    1.1.交通灯的发展历史及其研究通信号灯的意义 1

    1.2 当前社会城市交通灯的现状 2

    1.3单片机概述 2

    1.4 方案的简要介绍 3

    2 系统硬件设计 3

    2.1.总体的设计 3

    2.2. 单片机的选择 4

    2.3 单片机的基本结构和功能 5

    2.4.单片机外围电路设计 6

    1复位电路设计 6

    2外部晶振时钟电路 6

    3 显示模块LED灯管设计 7

    3 交通信号灯控制系统的设计 7

    3.1 十字路口交通信号灯的具体显示方法 7

    3.2十字路口交通信号灯示意图 7

    4 交通信号灯控制系统程序编制 8

    4.1 软件设计应用环境 8

    4.2 软件设计流程 8

    4.3交通灯定时器模块 9

    5 结论 10

    谢辞 11

    参考文献 12

    1 绪论

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