



    A power quality analyzer for Intelligent Substation based on NI CRIO platform


    The development of national economy and the continuous rising of the people’s living standard is proposing more demands on electric power as well as higher requirements on power quality(PQ). Real-time accurate power quality measurement is essential to electrical equipment safe operation parameters are time-varying and distributed, it is necessary to measure the power parameters instantaneity at different positions on the power transmission line. Only in the way, can we get the PQ’s parameters, which is a clue to find the source of power harmonics and assist relevant authorities to improve the power quality.

    First of all, introduces the definitions of power quality, and according to the characteristics of power quality and the operating status of power system, power quality is pided into two kinds of steady-state and transient. The steady-state quality includes voltage deviation, power frequency deviation, three-phase unbalance, voltage fluctuation and harmonics. The cause, hazards and national standards of power quality problem have made a derailed analysis, and as the basis for the design of on-line power quality monitoring system. According to analysis of some measured substation data with LabVIEW, the results conform the integrated assessment is correct and feasible.

    Keywords  Power Quality, Virtual Instrument, LabVIEW


    1 绪论 1

    1.1 电能质量问题的研究背景和现状 1

    1.2 研究电能质量的目的与意义 2

    1.3 电能质量的分类和标准 2

    1.4 本论文主要的内容 3

    2 智能变电站 4

    2.1 智能变电站的介绍 4

    2.2 智能变电站与传统变电站二次回路的区别 4

    2.3 关于IEC61850 SV的介绍 5

    3 电能质量指标分析 7

    3.1 电能质量的概念和分类 7

    3.2 电能质量指标分析 7

    3.2.1 电力系统供电电压偏差 7

    3.2.2 电力系统允许频率偏差 9

    3.2.3 三相允许不平衡度 11

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