

    毕业论文关键词  半导体温差,发电


    Title The collection and application of electrical energy from micropower semiconductor thermoeletric


    This paper is based on the semiconductor thermoelectric principle. Firstly, we design some experiments under laboratory conditions to explore and to test the relations between the temperature differences of the semiconductor thermoelectric power generation sheet and the voltage differences produced. Then we create appropriate temperature difference to light the LED lamp according to the power rating. Next we design an experiment in the car and an simulated vehicle experiment based on the result of laboratory experiment to analyse the possibility of applying semiconductor thermoelectric equipment to the automotive technology and

    some thoughts about problems that should be taken care of. At last,we put forward some ways to improve.

    Keywords  semiconductor thermoelectric, power generation 


    1 引言 1

    1.1大规模温差发电系统 2

    1.1.1太阳能温差发电系统 2

    1.1.2 地热温差发电系统 2

    1.1.3 工业余热温差发电系统 3

    1.2 小规模温差发电系统 3

    1.2.1 汽车尾气温差发电系统 3

    1.2.2 生物质温差发电系统 4

    1.2.3 数码设备充电装置 4

    2 半导体温差发电的三大基本原理 5

    2.1 塞贝克效应 5

    2.2 帕尔贴效应 6

    2.3 汤姆逊效应 7

    3 实验元件及其特性 8

    3.1半导体温差发电片 8

    3.2 测试装置 9

    3.3 升压电路和测试负载 10

    4 实验室实验测试过程 12

    4.1测试单块发电片电压随温差的变化 12

    4.2测试串联发电片电压随温差的变化 15

    4.2.1“外热内冷型” 15

    4.2.2“外冷内热型” 17

    5汽车微功率温差发电装置设计 20

    5.1汽车空调温差发电装置 20

    5.2汽车尾气温差发电装置 21

    6实验结果分析及展望 24

    6.1 汽车实验分析 24

    6.2 汽车实验改进措施 24

    6.3汽车尾气的温差发电应用现状及前景 25

    结论 27

    致谢 28

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