

        本文对智能家居入室检测这一方面进行了探讨,并确定了以STC89c52rc单片机为核心的被动式红外报警方案,由 re200b元器件及其附属元件构成的热释电红外传感器可以检测到入侵者的红外信号,然后通过红外处理芯片BISS0001处理,传递给单片机,再由单片机给予语音模块JQ6500脉冲,控制播放报警铃音,并设置了手动控制开启或取消报警模式。

    毕业论文关键词  入室检测  被动式红外  声光报警  


    Title    Smart home burglary detection system design                      



    With the rapid development of the national economy and  people's overall living standards gradually improvement, people’s requirements to their homes are also increasing, and in the living room not only want a warm, comfortable, and its security and intelligence has also put forward higher requirements. On the other hand, the rapid development of modern electronics, communications technology has provided strong technical support for the study of intelligent residential security.In this paper, smart home burglary detection in this regard were discussed and identified in STC89c52rc microcontroller as the core program of passive infrared alarm, pyroelectric infrared sensor element and its subsidiaries by the re200b components consisting of an intruder can be detected infrared signal then processed by an infrared processing chip BISS0001 passed to the microcontroller, then by giving voice module JQ6500 microcontroller pulse, alarm tone control playback and set the manual control to open or cancel the alarm mode.

    Keywords  Burglary detection  Passive infrared  Sound and light alarm

    1  引言 1

    1.1  入室检测的意义与前景 1

    1.2  国内外发展状况 2

    系统总体方案设计 4

    3  硬件电路各部分电路设计 6

    3.1  单片机及其系统电路 6

    3.2  红外热释电检测电路 11

    3.3  按键控制电路 21

    3.4  声光报警电路 21

    软件设计 26

    4.1  软件介绍 26

    4.2  程序流程 26

      4.3  程序 26

    5  电路调试 30

    结论 34

    致谢 35


    附录A 主程序38

    1  引言

    1.1  入室检测的意义与前景




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