
    摘要在电力行业快速发展的今天,电能已经成为我国经济发展的重要因素之一。不管是家 庭还是企业,对电的需求在不断提高,不仅仅要求稳定性,还要求可靠性和持续性。而一 个变电所只有设计的合理才能保证整个电网的稳定,可靠和持续。所以在建立变电所时首 先要要求变电设备运行可靠还有操作灵活,当然还要求扩建方便以及经济合理,本文针对 35KV 变电所的特点,对变电站的主设备进行合理选型,并做出相应的继电保护设计,从 而使其更加贴合实际,更具有现实意义。69949

    在计算了当地的负荷之后,心中有了大致的概念,然后对各种主变压器的型号分析比 较,选出最合适的型号。选择好了主变压器之后就要确定主接线方式,我制定了三种方案, 分别研究了各自的优缺点,然后选出最优方案。接下来是很多计算,针对各个情况下的短 路电流进行计算,上面所做的一切计算与分析都是为了高压电器设备的选型,然后选择了 一个合适的开关柜,最后还进行了继电保护的设计,从而提高了整个变电所的安全性。

    该论文有图 8 幅,表 11 个,参考文献 15 篇。

    毕业论文关键词:35KV 变电站 短路电流计算 设备选型 继电保护

    Equipment Selection and Relay Protection Design of 35kv Enterprise Substation

    Abstract In today's rapid development of the electric power industry,Electricity has become one of the important factor of economic development in China .Whether it's family or enterprise, the demand for electricity in constantly improve, not only requires stability, reliability and sustainability requires. While a substation only reasonable design can ensure the stability of the power grid, reliable and continuous. So must first request in establishing substation substation equipment operation is reliable and flexible operation, of course also requires expansion of convenient and economic and reasonable, based on the characteristics of the 35 kv substation, rational selection of main equipment of substation, and makes the corresponding relay protection design, making it more realistic, more realistic.

    To load in the design of the statistics and calculation, choose the required main transformer model, and then according to the nature of the load and the requirement of power supply reliability of the main wiring design, considering the influence of short circuit on the system, and design of short circuit calculation. Also explains the main high voltage electrical equipment  in the design of the selection and calculation of main circuit breaker and isolating switch and voltage transformer and current transformer, etc., and then choose a suitable switchgear, finally has carried on the relay protection design, so as to improve the security of the whole substation.

    The paper has a figure 8, 11, 15 references.

    Key Words:  35 kv  substation currentshort-circuit  current calculation equipment selection relay protection

    目 录


    Abstract II

    目 录 III

    图清单 V

    表清单 V

    1 变电所原始资料分析 1

    1.1 周围环境情况 1

    1.2 所选地址条件 1

    1.3 负荷分类与分析 1

    1.4 负荷计算的方法公式 1

    1.5 无功补偿的计算 3

    1.6 本章小结

  1. 上一篇:基于智能信息处理的发电厂设备的故障诊断
  2. 下一篇:分布式电源接入电网的定址定容问题分析
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  6. 某冶金机械厂总降压变电...

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