摘 要:近年来网络娱乐新闻以传统媒体娱乐新闻无可比拟的优越性而备受受众的青睐,但在其蒸蒸日上发展之时,自身的弊端也日渐凸显出来。本论文以网络娱乐新闻为研究对象,采用案例分析法、文献研究法等进行研究,首先对网络娱乐新闻的发展概况进行了论述,进而通过对典型的娱乐新闻案例地研究总结出网络娱乐新闻的现存问题,重点剖析了问题出现的原因,如国家管理体制的不健全、网络媒体把关人缺失、受众猎奇猎艳心理的驱动、商业网站的利益追求,并从政府、网络媒体、受众三个方面提出了应对策略。10628
The current situation of studying the network entertainment news
Abstract: Recently, network entertainment news has its absolute superiority and enormous advantages compared with traditional entertainment news. However, with the development of network entertainment news, its own disadvantages are becoming obvious. The research object of this paper is network entertainment news, and the author adopts case analysis method, document analysis method and so on to do the research. Besides, the author discuss the development of network entertainment news, then according to research typical network entertainment cases, the author finds some current issues about it. And the author mainly focus on discussing the causes to the main issues, for example, the imperfect national management system, the lack of network media gatekeepers, the drive of people’s curiousness and the interests-driven of the commercial web sites. Moreover, the author also finds out the counter measures from three aspects: the government, the network media and the audience.
Key works: Network; Entertainment news; Current situation
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、网络娱乐新闻的界定 2
(一)网络娱乐新闻的概念 2
(二)网络娱乐新闻的特点 3
二、网络娱乐新闻现存问题分析 4
(一)虚假新闻泛滥 4
(二)同质化现象严重 5
(三)“三俗化”新闻盛行 7
(四)过分关注隐私 8
(五)炒作现象明显 8
三、网络娱乐新闻频现问题的原因 9
(一)网络新闻法律法规不完善 9
(二)网络媒体把关人失职 10
(三)受众猎奇、窥探心理的驱动 10
(四)点击率至上的利益追求 11
四、规范网络娱乐新闻的策略探析 11
(一)完善互联网法律法规 11
(二)要注明转载新闻的来源 12
(三)提升网络媒介的社会责任感 12
(四)加强对网络娱乐新闻的把关 13
参考文献 14
一、网络娱乐新闻的界定 网络娱乐新闻现状研究+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/xinwen/lunwen_9743.html