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时间:2018-05-21 22:58来源:英语论文
Conclusion 17 Acknowledgements 18 Bibliography 19 1 Introduction In recent years, linguists have made lots of efforts studying communication by applying pragmatic theories. In 1967, Grice proposed the

Conclusion                                                    17
Acknowledgements    18
Bibliography                                                  19

1 Introduction
In recent years, linguists have made lots of efforts studying communication by applying pragmatic theories. In 1967, Grice proposed the Cooperation Principle in Logic and Conversation, which ensures that the speakers can understand each other without difficulties and the purpose of the conversation can be achieved. However, in daily life, people often violate the Cooperative Principle to produce conversational implicature. Grice noticed that people flout the Cooperative Principle from time to time purposely, but did not explain why people violate it rather than communicate directly with each other. In 1983, Leech formulates his Politeness Theory, which acts as the supplementary of Grice’s Cooperative Principle.
In 2006, CET4 and CET6 have made an innovation that the proportion of listening comprehension has been raised up from 20% to 35%. And a higher demand has also been made in the short dialogues that students not only need to understand the literal meaning of the dialogues but also need to understand the implied intention of the speakers. This thesis tries to apply the Cooperation Principle and the Politeness Principle to the English listening practice of CET-4 and CET-6, aiming to explain why the speaker violate the Cooperation Principle and how to deduce the inner meaning of the statement. It will help students to understand the conversational implicature in listening comprehension when they take the English tests.
This paper includes five chapters, chapter One briefly describe the focus and the purpose of the thesis. Chapter Two presents the paper’s literature review, which involves the characteristics of pragmatics theory and highlights the theory of conversational implicature and its related theories of Cooperative Principle and Politeness Principle. Chapter Three introduces the methodology of the thesis. In Chapter Four, cases from CET-4 and CET-6 are taken to analyze the violation of the Cooperation Principle and the application of the Politeness Principle. Chapter Five draws proper conclusion from the research and makes some suggestions for further study. 语用分析在大学英语四六级听力中的应用(2):http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_16087.html