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时间:2019-03-05 21:10来源:英语论文
Until now, many scholars have ever done the researches on Chinese- American culture differences, for instance, George A. Borden(1991) and Linell Davis(2010). While most of them approaches it in their

Until now, many scholars have ever done the researches on Chinese- American culture differences, for instance, George A. Borden(1991) and Linell Davis(2010). While most of them approaches it in their own ways to study the cultural differences between China and America, they have overlooked combination of cultural differences and consumption conception discrepancies, which may impede readers’ progress of accomplishing a deeper comprehension of the relationship between consumption conceptions and culture. Based on the researches and analyses of the previous scholars, this paper intends to make a systematic study on the differences of Chinese-American consumption conceptions from cultural respect. 从大众消费观看中美文化(2):http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_30784.html