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时间:2020-03-14 23:11来源:英语论文
On C-E Interpreting of Culture-loaded Expressions in Speeches by Chinese Leaders from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory,英语论文领导人国际会议发言中文化负载词的英译研究

ABSTRACT With its growing comprehensive national strength, China has stepped up onto a higher level in its international communications with other countries in politics, economy, culture and education. Speeches made by Chinese leaders, a platform for other countries to know more about China, are of great significance to promote Chinese culture and philosophy. Leaders’ speeches are full of political and cultural characteristics, including a great number of culture-loaded expressions like idioms, proverbs, poems and culture-specific terms. They are characterized with unique cultural background and remain indispensable ways of promoting the national culture. So, interpreters play a significant role in grasping concrete meanings of culture-loaded expressions and interpreting them accurately to audience.46609
Based on previous researches, the thesis tries to analyze culture-loaded expressions in speeches made by Chinese leaders in light of functional equivalence theory. For the purpose of accuracy, understandability and naturalness, interpreters should pay much attention to differences in language and culture, the key points of the source material and the reaction of the audience. Through the research, the author finds that different strategies should be applied to different culture-loaded expressions in the process of interpreting. Major translation strategies applied are transliteration, literal translation, free translation and annotation. Under the guidance of functional equivalence theory, only integrated utilization of various methods can achieve the aim of functional equivalence: being faithful, informative, communicative and culturally complementary.
Keywords: functional equivalence theory; leaders’ speeches; culture-loaded expressions; interpreting strategies
 摘  要随着综合国力的提升,中国和世界其他各国的政治,经济,文化和教育往来又上了新高峰,国家领导人的发言亦是让世界了解中国,传播中华文化和理念的重要途径。国家领导人发言带有一定的政治和文化色彩,其中会包含很多文化负载词,比如成语、俗语、谚语、诗词、文化特定词等。文化负载词承载着特定的文化特征,也是弘扬民族文化必不可少的途径。译者必须了解其具体含义,才能准确地传译给受众。
Table of Contents
1    Introduction    1
2    Literature Review    2
2.1    Functional Equivalence Theory    2
2.2    Related Studies on the Translation of Culture-loaded Expressions    3
3    Functional Equivalence Theory and Culture-loaded Expressions    4
3.1    Introduction to Culture-loaded Expressions    5
3.1.1    Definition and Characteristics of Culture-loaded Expressions    5
3.1.2    Classification of Culture-loaded Expressions    6
3.2    The Expected Effects of the Target Text in Light of Functional Equivalence Theory     7
3.2.1    Being Faithful    8 领导人国际会议发言中文化负载词的英译研究:http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_48353.html