6.1 Major Findings 25
6.2 Limitations 26
6.3 Recommendations 26
References 27
A Study on Humor Translation—Take The Big Bang Theory as an Example
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 The Purpose of the Research
In recent years, with the rapid development of the Internet technology, plenty of foreign sitcoms have poured into China’s audiovisual market, arousing interest among audience, especially teenagers, and have a great influence on their English learning and values. But since few of the sitcoms are introduced officially, the subtitle translation of which is mainly done by fan sub groups, also known as subtitle translation group instead of professional translators from official organizations. The fan sub groups do the translation job chiefly based on their own experience without a systematic and theoretical guidance. So the translation have different level.
While the other side of the picture is that the number of American sitcoms introduced into China is by no means large. Besides the strict introducing policy which finds difficulties in accepting certain sensitive topics and vulgar languages, another major reason is the great difficulties of translation especially when humor is involved. Chinese audience may find the humor in it incomprehensible even if the lines can be translated perfectly without a basic understanding of American culture and language.
The Big Bang Theory (referred to TBBT hereafter) is a famous American sitcom which is widely broadcast all over the world. The target audience of TBBT is mainly young educated people ranging from 15 to 30 in China. It is a great teaching material both in listening and speaking for the English learners. TBBT is also a popular trend for young to know Native American life style and their culture. To ensure the audience the complete enjoyment in China, it is necessary for us to pay more attention to the subtitle translation.
1.2 The Significance of the Research
This paper has importance in terms of both theoretical aspect and practical one. The paper chooses Skopos theory as the framework to guide the translation process. And the research of the strategies adopted under the guidance of Skopos theory in TBBT will show many revelation on the theoretical basis for the further studies of humor subtitle translation. Apart from this, the paper can be a theoretical guidance for the fan sub translation group and this will in some degree help our audiovisual market to be healthier.
It is a fact that the subtitle translation in sitcoms is not satisfactory. In 2000, the importance of studying subtitle translation is advanced by Qian Shaochang. But most paper analyzing subtitle translation is case studies on Friends. In recently years, the TBBT has become one of the most famous sitcoms in China, and it does have some distinct features compared with other sitcoms.
1.3 The Overall Structure of the Thesis .源^自·751~文~论`文]网[www.751com.cn
To logically and effectively clarify the issue of humorous effect to translation of subtitle, this thesis is pide into five chapters.
Chapter One is a general introduction, containing the introduction to the purpose of the thesis, the significance together with structure of this thesis. Chapter Two is the literature review on subtitle translation home and abroad. Chapter Three uses examples chosen carefully to analyze constraints of subtitle translation in TBBT. The constraints includes Spatiality and Temporality, Mode Shift and Linguistic Differences. Chapter Four provides an introduction of the Skopos Theory about the development and three rules of it. Meanwhile, Chapter five brings forward some workable translation strategies guided by Skopos Theory, such as literal translation, domestication, amplification, omission and annotation. The last chapter is the conclusion which summarizes the major findings of this paper including the constraints of subtitle translation in TBBT together with the applying of Skopos Theory in humorous subtitle translation in it and some workable translation strategies guided by Skopos Theory. After that, the author elaborated some limitations and recommendation of the thesis. 《生活大爆炸》目的论幽默翻译(2):http://www.751com.cn/yingyu/lunwen_51920.html