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时间:2021-07-21 21:20来源:英语论文
3. Humor in Friends by the Violating of the CP It is interesting and important to note that while conversation participants nearly always observe the CP, they do not always observe these maxims strict

3. Humor in Friends by the Violating of the CP

     It is interesting and important to note that while conversation participants nearly always observe the CP, they do not always observe these maxims strictly. These maxims can be violated for various reasons. But sometimes this violation can add humor appropriately. In situation comedy, humor language is one of the vital elements to attract the audience. In Friends, they do not observe the cooperative principle mostly. To be precise, they deliberately violate some maxims of cooperative principle for comic effects. In the following parts, the thesis gives some examples from the selected corpus, analyzes the violation of the four maxims in detail.(Zhang 24)
