摘 要:赵之谦在书法艺术上的实践,是清代后期书法的典型写照,由于其多才多艺,在书法方面,其篆书、隶书、和楷、行书均有很高的造诣。“赵之谦的篆书初受邓石如影响,邓石如以隶入篆,而赵之谦的篆书是以造像法入篆,并且起笔均以方笔入,而收笔则微按而出锋,其间气机流宕,令人叫绝,清人小篆之巧,之谦实造其极。” “于是他抓住了北碑造像中最雄强霸悍的一面,竭力追求姿态活泼和气势飞动,并将这种实践扩大到篆书、隶书等体领域,在晚清书坛上独树一帜,为碑派书法开辟了一条新奇的风格途径。”32100
毕业论文关键词:赵之谦 碑意 篆书风格 影响
North stone statues on the influence of zhao zhiqian the seal character style ziyingdian agent
Abstract: zhao zhiqian on calligraphy art practice, is the typical reflection of the late qing dynasty calligraphy, due to its versatile, in calligraphy, seal character, official script, and the script and running script has high attainments. "At the beginning of zhao zhiqian's seal character affected by Deng Shiru Deng Shiru transferred into of, and the seal character based on imaging method into of zhao zhiqian, and pen all Israel pen into, while finishing in and out of the front, meantime jet flow down, amazing, qing qiao of seal script, the modesty of real made." [Huang Dun, Li Changji, ZhuangXiZu: the second edition of the calligraphy seal cutting, higher education press, 2007.7, P11,] "he grabbed the most XiongJiang the welding on the side of the north stone statues, pursue active attitude and flying, and this kind of practice and expand to the seal character, official script, and other areas of the body, unique in the history of Chinese gallery in late qing dynasty, for the tablet sent calligraphy has opened up a new style way." [liu: the volume in the qing dynasty, Chinese calligraphy, jiangsu education press, 2009, P18.]
key words: zhao zhiqian Memorial meaning The seal character influences
康有为在其《广艺舟双辑》中说:“赵叔学北碑,亦自成家,但气体靡弱,今天下多言北碑,而尽为靡靡之音,则赵伪叔之罪也。” 赵之谦的书法在论文分析当中,可以看出他聚众家之长,其早期书法结体以颜真卿为主,其北魏书是以《始平公造像记》确立书法创作方法,发挥其夸张的特征,并且汲取《张猛龙碑》的精髓,可说是极具方笔之美。同时掌握《瘗鹤铭》结字的原则,到后期赵之谦用笔率性随意,字体宽绰有余,笔意大方。 北碑造像对赵之谦篆书风格形成的影响蠡探:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_28659.html