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时间:2020-11-02 21:52来源:毕业论文

摘  要:中国书法是世界艺术史上一颗璀璨的明珠,历经风雨却依然光彩夺目。一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园,中国书法百花齐放,百家争鸣,由于审美情趣的不同,也就产生了碑派和帖派。清代书法在近三百年的发展历史上经历了一场艰难的蜕变,它突破了宋、明、元以来帖学的樊笼,开始了碑派的辉煌,而提起清代碑派则躲不开伊秉绶。59024




Abstract:Chinese calligraphy is a shining pearl on the world art history, after wind and rain but still brilliant. One swallow does not make a summer, spring, all flowers in Chinese calligraphy flowers, schools of thought contend, because of the different aesthetic temperament and interest, also created a set stone and post. Qing dynasty calligraphy in the history of nearly three hundred years of development has experienced a difficult transformation, it broke through the post since the song, Ming and yuan learn bearing, started the tablet sent, and brought YiBingShou tablet pie is hiding in the qing dynasty would not open. 

        YiBingShou block, ink qing, is a famous calligrapher in qing dynasty, the four segments are fine calligraphy, especially in the official script deepest attainments, founder piao zhuo, show strong bone, original one, is the representative figure of the qing dynasty official script zte, has a very prominent position in the gallery in the qing dynasty. This article tries from all stages of its life, official script in installment and style, the respect such as relationship between the social aesthetic orientation, shicheng to briefly explore the cause of its official script style. 

Keywords:The qing dynasty, YiBingShou, official script, style  

 目  录

1 伊秉绶生平及书法成就 4

2 伊秉绶隶书分期 5

2.1 早期(摹古阶段) 5

2.2 中期(自成一派) 5

2.3 后期(人书俱老) 6

3 伊秉绶隶书风格成因 6

3.1当时书法审美取向 6

3.2儒家学说影响其书学理念 7

3.3 师承何处以及交友 7

结语 9

附录 10

注释 13

参考文献 14

致谢 15


    伊秉绶从小聪颖好学,秉承家学渊源,饱读诗书,乾隆五十四年参加会试,进士及第,授刑部额外主事,开始了他的仕途之路。一生廉洁,深受百姓爱戴。 高古朴劲—伊秉绶隶书风格成因初探:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_64058.html
