Architectural design specification of public service center in Shanghai
Abstract:Museum design, which originated with the advent of modern people for history and social relationships and popularity, while the museum's identity and sense of belonging has become the key to the organization and development of the museum can be, so the museum's design concept is now more to consider it to the level of participation of people. Design will be placed on the reproduction of human reproduction city and the reconstruction of understanding subjectivity and museums close together. In the concept of the museum, the aesthetics is not an isolated object, but the integration and embodied in specific relationships among museums, and personal experiences and everyday experience are inseparable. Open the participation of the community, we live in the city can be truly suitable, are residents of the city. The choice of this topic is to explore how to design the museum from the building into a beautiful urban residents mobilized to shape their own future ideal place.
KeyWords:Museum, designed to attract the public
目 录
1 项目概况 1
1.1 工程概况 1
1.2 基地研究以及设计核心 1
2 设计理念1
3 方案设计2
3.1 总体布局 2
3.2 建筑单体 2
3.2.1 展览陈列 2
3.2.2 大厅休闲 2
3.2.2 其他附属 3
3.3 设计策略 3
3.3.1 城市景观广场的营造 3
3.3.2 建筑单体的景观设计 3
3.4 交通流线 3
3.5 材料细部 3
4 小结4
1 项目概况
1.1 工程概况
1.2 基地研究以及设计核心
(1) 整个基地北向沿街,街对面是一整片的很有年代感的一些老师居民住宅以及一个有底蕴的贡院存才,基地中有一个晏阳初故居。然后基地的西面对着高层古塔。
2 设计理念
整个博物馆建筑设计规模并不大,为了加强公众参与这一理念,因此主要是考虑到了一个“共生”的理念,我的设计主要是考虑,如何最好的吸引来往的城市中的人民。一个城市的主题其实是生活在其中的居民。他们也是组成其城市构架最重要的组成部分。一个博物馆真正的意义我在设计的过程中常会仔细思考。这时才发现,原来城市感觉中最终要的部分就是完善建筑的空间质感,并以此做到一定的确定以及思想性上的衍生。这也是产生这个空间并使之变得与众不同的重要表现。 定州市城市博物馆建筑设计说明:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_14879.html