儒家思想的历史相当的久远, 它始于春秋战国时期,“仁、义、礼、智、信、恕、忠、孝、悌”等核心思想不仅影响了中国的政治、经济,还影响了中国的文化,例如景德镇陶瓷就深受儒家思想的影响与熏陶。
关键词:景德镇;陶瓷文化;儒家思想; 儒家思想核心
The history of Confucianism is quite long,it began in the spring and autumn period and the warring states period,”benevolence,righteousness,propriety,wisdom,
faith,will,loyalty,fillial piety,and core thought not only affected China’s political,economic,also has affected the Chinese culture,such as jingdezhen ceramics is in love with the influence of Confucianism.
Article briefly disscusses the Confucian “benevolence,righteousness,propriety,wisdom,faith”,jingdezhen ceramics,Confucian thought of jingdezhen porcelain,the influence of by the Confucian thought of benevolence,courtesy,etc for the important position of Confucianism in jingdezhen porcelain has a full understanding,to nowadaya in China,and some problems in the process of the given the outlook,finally obtainde the certain artistic feeling.Jingdezhen ceramic as reflect the improtant physical carrier of the development of Chinese culture,in the process of the development of Chinese society for thousands of years by the edification of Confucianism,and influential.
Keywords: Jingdezhen;ceramic;confucianism thought;The core of Confucianism
摘要 1
一、绪论 3
二、儒家思想 3
三、景德镇陶瓷 3
四、 儒家思想在景德镇陶瓷中的表现4
1、仁、义、礼、智、信、恕、忠、孝、悌”体现 5
2、儒家五常与儒家八德的体现 5
1、更体出现东方人的价值观 6
2、造型材质更趋于和谐 7
3、装饰内容更具中国风 7
(一)景德镇陶瓷存在的不足 8
结论 9
谢辞 10
参考文献 10
儒家思想,又称之为儒学,它是一种以人为文明核心、主体的思想,归结起来其核心是以“仁”为基本核心。在儒家思想中,它的审美是以仁学为基础,通常来说,在人们日常生活中种种优秀、完美的表现都是它所认为的美。对于这种仁学理念,演绎到陶瓷作品当中的审美,就凸显出来。对于陶瓷作品而言,以儒学思想审美来看,它的美部分程度上可以意指自身所体现出的浑然天成,自身艺术特点符合人类美的观念。 儒家思想对景德镇陶瓷艺术的影响:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_6535.html