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时间:2021-05-28 23:14来源:毕业论文


毕业论文关键词:现代简约、灵动、 功能性

Abstract:The overall design goal is to make the space seem simple, showing the master bedroom has a connotation of taste, through carefully selected interior furnishings, creating an atmosphere highlighting the owner's taste and quality of life. This set of programs designed to surround the modern minimalist theme, a very focus on the combination of the layout of the living space and the use of functions. Interior layout on two words summed up the overall design simplicity. Thus in this Summary of the style of design. This set of programs based modern features, everything from the function, stressed the functional design, simple smooth lines and strong colors right, so that the spatial structure of crisp, simple. And how clever blend of modern simplicity on the basis of making the space more beautiful is the main place to think.

Keywords:modern minimalist、Smart、functionality

目   录

1 前言 3

2 设计项目背景及条件 3

2.1 区位分析 3

2.2 户型分析 3

3 项目设计的目标与意义 4

3.1 现代简约风格设计定位 5

4 项目设计方案概述 5

4.1 选题名称分析 5

4.2 总体设计与分区设计 5

4.2.1 客厅 6

4.2.2 餐厅 6

4.2.3 厨房 6

4.2.4 卫生间 6

4.2.5 卧室 7

4.3色彩设计 8

4.4要素系列 8

5 设计创新与不足 9

5.1 设计创新 9

5.2 设计不足 9

结论 10

参考文献 11

致谢 12

作品完成稿 13

1  前言



2  设计项目背景及条件 极简主义与灵动-现代简约家装设计:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_75840.html
