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时间:2017-05-30 08:36来源:毕业论文

关键词: 体育公园;景观设计;生态运动
The ecological Sports --
Shuangyu Island Coastal Sports Park Landscape Design
Abstract: Along with social progress and economic development, people pursuit the material life,meanwhile, make more and more efforts to advocate in the development of physical and mental health lifestyle.
The former parks lay more emphasis on visual beauty,thus let people satisfied in full eye margin, better enjoy the flowers and trees in the park, bath natural. In this good way ,people could relax themselves after their whole weekday's work.
Nowadays the concept of the Health First has been gradually accepted by people in the society, the sports park combined tourism with leisure attractions for the construction allows people close to nature and relax themselves greatly at the same time ,besides also can participate in their favorite sports, infinite charm enjoyable sports more than just only making a sightseeing tour. In the modern metropolis, many people are more willing to pay attention to the ecological movement, both breathe the fresh air of nature while in motion, so the sports park will be a very good combination ,the park of this type is a great choice that let people never miss both beauty sight and healthy sports!
KeyWords:Sport Park; Ecological Sports; Landscape Design
1.    引言---  5
2.    背景概述
2.1    理论阐述 --  5
2.2    研究目的和意义-  5
2.3    研究方法与思路   6
3.    基地状况分析
3.1    基地区位分析---  9
3.1.1 场地位置  9
3.1.2 面积  9
3.1.3 与周围地区关系--  9
3.2    基地现状物质空间环境---  9
4.    设计理念与目的
4.1    理念的缘起-  10
4.1.1 双鱼岛体育公园“生态体育”的确定-  10
4.2    推到与演绎-  10
4.3    设计目的---  10
5.    设计表现与手法
5.1    设计内容---  11
5.1.1 功能布局  12
5.1.2 竖向与水系设计--  14
   5.2 设计方法---  14
5.3 细部大样设计---  15
   5.4 图纸表现手法---  16
6.    结束语-- 16
致谢--  17
参考文献--  18
设计课题为对双鱼岛整体环境景观提出总体规划布局,并对入岛衔接区域提出环境景观策略,并以加强景观体系与双鱼岛开发定位、土地利用规划的协调。从而为下一步双鱼岛的道路空间、滨水空间、公共开放空间等景观方案设计提供依据。 双鱼岛的最大特色是具有独立于大陆的地理区位,被海洋所包围,受海洋气候的全方位影响,在生态景观规划中应充分挖掘滨海城市文化、海洋文化、闽南文化、绿色生态等要素,突出双鱼岛品牌特色,形成环厦门湾地区新的现代时尚休闲的景观地标区域。 滨海体育公园景观设计+文献综述:http://www.751com.cn/yishu/lunwen_8013.html