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时间:2018-04-28 16:39来源:毕业论文
为了研究以代森锌为代表的乙撑双二硫代氨基甲酸酯类农药在青菜中的提取和残留测定方法,分析代森锌残留浓度最常用的方法 是基于用酸与样品进行衍生化而产生的二硫化碳的量

摘要:代森锌(或乙撑双二硫代氨基甲酸酯)作为保护杀菌剂广泛用于农作物(蔬菜类、水果类等)疾病的控制治疗,它的78%可湿粉剂较为广泛应用,因此,代森锌的残留分析有着重大意义。为了研究以代森锌为代表的乙撑双二硫代氨基甲酸酯类农药在青菜中的提取和残留测定方法,分析代森锌残留浓度最常用的方法 是基于用酸与样品进行衍生化而产生的二硫化碳的量。采用顶空进样测定代森锌含量。以氯化亚锡盐酸溶液衍生物处理样品,产生的二硫化碳用正己烷提取,并且使用配备有电子捕获检测器(ECD)的气相色谱仪进行分析测定。测定结果显示:在0.2 ~ 1.5毫克/公斤的峰面积内代森锌和样品体积成良好的线性关系,相关系数R2=0.9970,代森锌的添加标准样品的回收率为85.2%~93.6%、变异系数RSD为0.4%~4.2%。该方法精确的描述方法,操作简单,应用范围广,能满足农药残留分析的要求。21943
Determination the Residue of Zineb in the Vegetables by  Gas-Liquid Chromatographic
Abstract: Zineb (or zinc ethylene bis(dithi0carbamate)) is widely used in India as a protective fungicide for the control of plant(Vegetables, fruits) diseases. It is available as a 78% water-dispersible powder formulation. The analysis of zineb formulation is therefore of great interest.The most widely used method for the analysis of zineb is based on the quantitative evolution of carbon disulfide by digestion with sulfuric acid.In order to studying ethylenebis dithiocarbamates that take the case of zineb on the extraction from vegetables and determination.The S-methyl dithiocarbamates residues of derivative of zineb in vegetables were determined by combining Auto headspace sampler with capillary chromatography.In that method the sample was treated with stannous chloride of :Hydrochloric acid solution in order to transform CS2,the CS2 were extracted by hexane,then quantitatively determined by gas chromatography coupled with FPD-S detector.The results show that Zineb within 0.2 ~ 1.5 mg / kg range peak area and injection volume was a good linear relationship (R2 = 0.9970), The recoveries of prochloray spiked in Vegetables sample were 85.2%-93.6%,with variable coefficients of 0.4%-4.2% respectively. Present The method describes a method precise , simple operation, wide range of applications , to meet the requirements for pesticide residue analysis .
Key words: zineb;Headspace gas-chromatography; residual analysis;
1 绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2 研究的目的、意义    1
1.3 代森锌的简介    2
1.3.1 性质    2
1.3.2  代森锌的施用方法    2
1.3.3 代森锌的健康毒性    3
1.3.4 代森锌的活性及药效    4
1.3.5 分析方法及残留结果    5
1.4技术路线    8
2. 设计    9
2.1 设计依据    9
2.2 试剂和材料    9
2.3  仪器和设备    9
2.4  仪器条件    10
2.5 测定步骤    10
2.5.1样品分析方法    10
2.5.2标准二硫化碳气体的制备    10
2.5.3空白试验    11
2.5.4 气相色谱测定    11
    2.5.5 计算方法    11
3.实验内容    12
3.1  实验条件的确定    12
3.2 QuEChERS方法    12
3.2.1 原理    13
3.2.2 简单步骤    13
3.3 方法精密度与灵敏度    13
3.4 添加回收试验    13 代森锌在青菜里的残留浓度的测定与分析:http://www.751com.cn/yixue/lunwen_14375.html