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时间:2018-05-14 09:22来源:毕业论文

In this paper, foam nickel supported catalysts copper-manganese oxides are investigated with respect to ozone decomposition. Firstly, The manganese and copper-manganese oxides are prepared by the coprecipate method. XRD, SEM are employed to explore the structure and morphology. Secondly, foam nickel supported catalysts center are assembly by the Polyacrylic acid as the binder. FT-IR is used to detect the bonding strength. Thirdly, the catalytical property of powder and foam nickel framework is investigated in detail. The results indicated that the Mn3O4 powder with 50W% CuO has the high catalytic activity of 92%, and when being supported by foam nickel, the samples possess high decomposition activity, up o 90%. The prepared catalysts as a perspective industrial material and technological process for ozone decomposition could be developed in the interior air clean field.
Key words: Ozone, Ozone decomposition catalysts, Air clean,Manganese xides, Copper-Manganese Oides,
目 录
1.绪论    1
1.1空气质量概述    1
1.1.1空气污染概述    2
1.1.2 臭氧污染    2
1.2 臭氧处理的研究进展    3
1.2.1 活性炭吸附法    3
1.2.2 热分解法    4
1.2.3 药液分解法    4
1.2.4催化剂分解法    4
1.2.5 臭氧浓度检测法    4
1.3 臭氧分解催化剂研究进展    5
1.3.1 臭氧分解催化剂的研究现状    5
1.3.2 臭氧分解催化剂的分类    5
1.3.3 臭氧分解催化机理    6
1.4 MnOx臭氧分解催化剂的研究进展    7
1.4.1 MnOx系臭氧分解催化剂的制备方法    7
1.4.2 MnOx系臭氧分解催化剂的修饰    7
1.4.3 MnOx系臭氧分解催化剂催化性能的影响因素    8
1.5 选题思路    9
2.实验部分    10
2.1 实验原料及实验仪器设备    10
2.2 实验设备    11
2.2.1 纯Mn3O4催化剂制备    11
2.2.2 Cu/Mn催化剂催化中心制备    11
2.2.3 Cu/Mn复合催化剂的组装    12
2.3水性聚丙烯酸树脂配方    12
2.4臭氧分解催化实验    13
2.5 表征手段    14
2.5.1 扫描电镜(SEM)    14
2.5.2 X射线衍射法    14
2.5.3 红外光谱    14
3 结果与讨论    15
3.1水性聚丙烯酸树脂的表征    15
3.1.1 红外分析    15
3.1.2 固化表征    15
3.1.3 粘结度测试    16
3.2 Mn3O4催化中心的制备与表征    17
3.2.1 XRD    17
3.2.2 SEM分析    19
3.2.3 Mn3O4催化活性测试    19
3.3 Mn3O4/CuO催化中心的制备    21
3.3.1 Mn3O4/CuO结构表征    22 室内空气净化用复合臭氧分解催化剂的制备和性能研究:http://www.751com.cn/cailiao/lunwen_15723.html