毕业论文关键词 粉 末 密 度 数值模拟 压 制
Title Powder compacting process of Finite Element
Simulation and experimental verification
Powder net-forming technology is a process that can directly produce products with desired final shape or near final shape by using powder as the raw material.Without or with only a little machining,it can meet the technical requirements of products.Following the introduction of the powder metallurgy technology and FEM simulation technology,simulations the process by using the FEM software--DEFORM and verification of its reliability by the experimental results are presented.Comparing the results of different simulations with different parameters,which influences the density distribution of green parts,we finally get the most appropriate processing method.By applying this method into reality to produce parts with relatively complex shape for simulation to improve the uniformity of density distribution,it provides a theoretical reference for real production.
Keywords powder density numerical simulation compaction
目 次
1 绪论 1
2 相关参数的数值模拟和实验验证 8
2.1 验证实验 8
2.2 有限元模拟 10
3 优化模拟 12
3.1 模拟结果对比 12
3.2 不同参数下密度变化均匀性和密度分布13
3.3 变形力 14
4 复杂零件的数值模拟 15
结论 16
致谢 17
1 绪论
1.1 粉末冶金成形技术简介

图1.1 粉末冶金工艺流程
粉末冶金材料有摩擦材料;磁电和功能材料,磁性材料分为软磁材料、硬磁材料,电工材料分为电触头材料、金属-石墨电刷、电阻点燃电极材料、电热材料;多孔材料;难溶金属及其合金材料;高温材料,分为粉末冶金超合金、弥散强化材料、金属间化合物;工具材料,分为金属陶瓷硬质合金、粉末高速钢、超硬材料;金属陶瓷与陶瓷材料;原子能工程材料,分为反应堆结构材料、核燃料元件、减速材料和反射材料、控制材料和屏蔽材料[12]。 DEFORM净成形过程数值模拟与实验验证:http://www.751com.cn/cailiao/lunwen_26730.html