The research - the fault of victims applying to criminal penalty
Abstract: In judicial practice, exists in a lot of crime victim fault factors, its impact on offenders committing crimes or aggravate crime results, and sometimes the victim fault is the main cause of crime. In the case of being the victim fault offender and the victim being under the function of the crime. More than an offender has an important role in it, to focus on research and analysis, in which the victim also plays an important role. The victims have fault size without judgment plays an important role in the penalty applicable, its adapted to conform to the crime punishment of criminal law principle. The victim's fault is the important factors that affect the intensity of criminal punishment, so the victim fault to legalize plot has the vital significance, the corresponding clause should be added in the criminal law in our country to develop and improve the legislation and guide judicial practice.
Key Words: The victim fault;Penalty applies;Discretion
目 录
摘 要 1
Abstract 1
一、被害人过错问题概述 2
(一)被害人的概念 3
(二)被害人过错的概念 3
二、被害人过错问题的认定 3
(一)被害人过错司法认定的现状 3
(二)被害人过错司法认定的要求 4
(三)对认定被害人过错的建议 6
三、被害人过错对犯罪人刑事责任的影响 6
四、完善被害人过错问题的立法建议 7
(一)完善并写入刑法 7
(二)完善并写入刑事诉讼法 8
参考文献 9
致 谢 10
20世纪40年代《被害人学》的出现标志着国外对被害人问题研究的开始。相比国外对被害人过错处罚情况的研究,中国起步很晚,逐渐才开始关注被害人过错的作用。主要观点认为,立法应当将“被害人过错”作为法定量刑情节尽快写入。但总体上研究不成体系,研究还不深入,参考意义不大。所以我们不管是在司法理论中,还是在实践中都要深入研究被害人过错问题,为法官公正审理案件,正确适用刑罚起到规范和引导的作用。本文中,笔者主要针对刑罚适用中被害人过错问题进行了研究,同过研究发现问题,笔者针对性的提出了个人的建议,但笔者深信,随着我国法制建设的进程,被害人过错问题在立法上将会得到更好的完善。 刑罚适用中被害人过错问题研究:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_10308.html