Abstract:Bride price is the money and goods, which man wants to get married to a woman for the purpose of engagement. Bride price has been a custom, being sent to generations. After the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues interpretation applies "Marriage" (II) the introduction of a unified standard the court in dealing with dowry disputes and the introduction of the interpretation also mark the progress of legislation on the issue of bride price. However, in judicial practice, there are some unavoidable problems and certain challenges are also encountered in the circumstances of the case allows different existing rules bride price return. Here, I try to analyze the historical development, modernization of bride price in order to further analyze improvement and insufficient dowry on its return system.
Keywords: bride price is the money and goods, return system, legal defaults, improve the return of bride price system
目 录
1 前言 4
2 彩礼的历史性 4
3 彩礼的性质 5
4 彩礼纠纷的解决机制 6
4.1 历史彩礼纠纷的解决 6
4.2 现代彩礼纠纷的解决 6
4.3 我国婚姻法关于彩礼纠纷的规定 7
5 彩礼制度存在的缺陷 7
5.1 关于彩礼的认定问题 8
5.2 彩礼返还范围、比例 8
5.3 彩礼案件的问题 9
6 彩礼制度的立法完善 9
6.1 明确彩礼的法律性质 10
6.2 明确彩礼的法律范围 10
6.3 明确彩礼的返还期限 10
6.4 将过错原则引入立法 10
结 论 11
参考文献 .12
1 前言
2 彩礼的历史
从法制史的角度来看,彩礼的法律在西周就开始形成了,一直延伸到民国时期的中国。彩礼作为一项中国传统风俗,来源于古代西周时期产生的“六礼”,其中包括纳彩、问名、纳吉、纳征、请期、亲迎。 纳征就是,纳吉后双方家庭确定联姻后,男方家庭就要准备一笔钱财、礼物,然后请媒人送给女家家庭作为纳吉的约定之证,以确定正式缔结婚约。因此,纳征俗称纳币,这是现在我们所称的下财礼。这的财礼就是我们如今所谓彩礼起源。就彩礼本质来说,是定婚的表现形式,是男方家庭与女方家庭以未来成婚为目的而定下的先期约定。 论彩礼返还制度的不足与完善:http://www.751com.cn/faxue/lunwen_60699.html