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时间:2019-10-01 13:50来源:毕业论文
主体框架部分在考虑地震作用的影响时运用PKPM 软件帮助进行抗震分析。同时也与该课题小组其余同学紧密合作,最终得到准确合理的结构设计方案

摘要近年来,除了对于建筑物结构功能的要求,人们越来越多的将关注点放在了建筑物的外形美观上。这样就产生了大量体型多样化的的建筑结构,特别是平面或立面上追求特殊效果的不规则框架结构。这些框架结构对于结构设计都有着更高的要求。本文即主要针对某多层隔振建筑的上部结构进行了主体的结构设计,其包含规则矩形部分框架以及平、立面均不规则的碗型框架组成,设防烈度较高,在采取隔振措施的情况下进行结构设计时仍需考虑地震作用对结构安全性能的影响。计算时,结构的次梁及板件部分采用手算,在结构的划分布置上有较高要求。尤其是不规则扇形板件的计算是一大重点和难点。主体框架部分在考虑地震作用的影响时运用PKPM 软件帮助进行抗震分析。同时也与该课题小组其余同学紧密合作,最终得到准确合理的结构设计方案。19023
关键词  上部结构 不规则框架 不规则板件计算 主体框架抗震分析
Title       Designing of superstructure of an architecture     with wave barriers                                          
In recent years, in addition to paying attention on function of structures of architectures, peoples focus on the attractive appearances of architectures more and more as a consequence of persifying the aesthetic conceptions. Therefore, it appears more and more architectures which concentrate on the irregular plane and façade. Those structures make higher requirements on designing. This paper will concentrate on the designing of superstructure of architecture with wave barrier. It contains a regular frame and an irregular frame with both its plane and façade. Because of its high demand of seismic fortification measures, it is necessary to take earthquake action into consideration when designing. In the process of calculating, hand calculating is used for secondary beams and slabs. It needs plenty of consideration when piding the structure and the calculation of irregular slabs is a key point and a difficulty. The analysis software PKPM is adopted to analyze the main frame of the structure. It have to cooperating with others in the same group as well to get the most accurate and economic design scheme of the structure. 
Keywords  superstructures, irregular frame, calculation of irregular slabs, seismic analysis
目   次
1 工程概况及结构特点分析  1
1.1 工程概况 1
1.2 结构特点分析 3
1.3 本课题的主要内容 3
2 楼屋盖设计  5
2.1 楼盖设计 5
2.2屋盖设计 28
2.3次梁的计算 10
3楼梯设计  52
3.1 材料选用 52
3.2 一号楼梯计算 52
3.3 二号楼梯计算 55
4 框架结构设计  59
4.1 结构方案 59
4.2 框架结构内力分析 60
4.3 计算结果分析 70
4.4 框架的配筋 73
5 结论  74
5.1 设计内容归纳 74
5.2 隔振设施在此场地下对地震响应的缓解情况比较 74
5.1 改进及展望 75
致谢 76
1  工程概况及结构特点分析
1.1  工程概况 多层隔振建筑结构的设计上部结构设计:http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_40167.html