(6). The project is a fire hydrant system pumps and tank pressure water supply system. Building fire hydrant total water consumption is 41.47L / s> 40L / s, scattered arrangement five ground type pump adapter.
(7). The cultural and sports exhibition center fire danger rating for the dangerous level I level. A wet sprinkler systems, water supply pipeline system in an annular water distribution pipes using water side of center type arrangement. Using independent wet alarm valve, and has an alarm control unit. Automatic sprinkler system sprinkler strength 12L/min∙m2, the role of an area of 300m2, sprinkler heads spaced 3m. The most unfavorable point nozzle working pressure is P0 = 0.1MPa. Design water 80L / s, building sprinkler system total flow L / s.
(8). The Culture and Sports Exhibition Center is pided into the dangerous level civil construction. Each fire extinguisher set point matching a portable MF/ABC4 fire extinguishers.
(9). The project uses natural and mechanical smoke exhaust combination. The three floors of the two Hall exterior exhaust side windows set high above the window, its area were as follows: 198 Hall: 25.7m2, 1000 people Auditorium: S = 68.81m2; Stairwell were set up by the wall, and there can be opened outside the window. Need to use mechanical exhaust of the two were on the ground floor atrium, second floor of the three atrium: two on the ground floor of the atrium area of 3893.73 m2, 3906.16 m2s, floor height of 14m, its two atrium volume was 54512.08m ³, 54686.24m ³. So the exhaust volume by volume of 4 times / h ventilation calculation, that two atrium ventilation is 218048.32 m3 per hour, 218744.96 m3 / h; ground floor of the three atrium area:4236.61m2, 2150.24 m2, 1615.09 m2, floor height of 12.8m, its two atrium volume was 54228.61m ³, 27523.07m ³, 20673.15m ³. So the exhaust volume by volume of 4 times per hour. ventilation calculation, that two atrium ventilation is 216914.44 m3 / h, 110092.28 m3 / h, 82692.6 m3 / h. Based on the above data binding, check the sample selection Shanghai GM Blower fan KCF (B) series without volute centrifugal fan, flow 85000m3 / h. Arrangement of six wind turbines on the first floor, second floor, furnished five wind turbines.
(10). The automatic fire alarm system works as a protection level, as the Culture and Sports Exhibition Center began from the ground floor storey generally more than 8m, therefore large space building site located LA100 type fire artillery fire linkage control and fire fighting systems. Front part of the dual-band detection fire detectors and optical beam smoke detectors composite image layout. Consumption reported to the control center can display live images. Current end detection equipment alarm, automatic fire sprinkler gun .
Current alarm detection equipment segment, the host to the automatic fire extinguishing gun issue commands for automatic fire cannon artillery fire first locator and automatic scan until the search to the ignition point, and then automatically open the electric valve and fire sprinkler pump and carry.
Current alarm detection equipment side, the master alarm signal, switching duty by forcing color picture reconfirmed after the fire, through the keyboard driver automatic fire cannon fire aiming point, turn electric valve and fire extinguishing pumps.
When the scene found the fire after the fire water cannons site directly through the control panel for the fire. Manual mode and on-site emergency control has priority.
In three exhibition locale very early smoke detection and alarm system, namely air sampling detector. Through early warning first time in the field or in the consumer control center directly through the fire water cannons site control panel for the fire.
Key words: large space exhibition building; fire; regular-based design; fire
1 绪论 1
1.1 会展中心设计背景 1
1.2 会展中心的火灾危险性 1 文化体育会展中心消防设计+CAD图纸(3):http://www.751com.cn/gongcheng/lunwen_5744.html