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时间:2017-04-17 20:02来源:毕业论文

Compare with the market marketing situation between China and American
Abstract :China's economy is rapidly developing in recent years,importance of education for people is also in constant rise. For this, I made a survey, found that people's attitude to accept education is also changing, study abroad in China has been rapid developmented. That is because China has been internationalization and  the economic is rising ,people’s life become better and better. But this had to cause people's thinking, China is humongous, and profound culture, University facilities and the conditions of education and state investment funds every year. In contrast, the American university has cut the foundation, in that case, why to students, are so looking forward to studying abroad? Starting from the theory of marketing as a research starting point, through the analysis of the marketing mode of American university and Chinese university, research students heart, dynamic analysis of market situation of Chinese college marketing and marketing strategy, and concluded there are problems existing in the market, through the case analysis, thus proposed opinions for the development of Chinese colleges and universities.

KeyWords:Colleges;The marketing strategy;To study abroad

目  录
一、前言    1
(一)、研究意义 1
(二)、本论文的现实意义  1
2、使我果断高校更有竞争力  1
三、美国大学营销的策略 2
(一)美国大学教育营销的历史 2
四、中国高校营销策略 6
五、美国高校和中国高校营销策略的对比 10
(一)、中美高校对于营销态度的不同 10
(二)、不同政治体系下营销策略对比 11
(三)、中美高校社会贡献对比 11
(四)、中美高校营销的共通点 11
(一)、提高高校本身的内部修养 11
1、教师团队的组建 12
2、专业科目的设置 12
3、明星科目的重点培养 12
(二)、善于利用媒介,宣传自我特色 12
2、放弃时间密集式的营销方式 13
3、将营销和校园文化相结合 13
4、建立高素质的校园网站 13
七、总结  14 美国高校与中国高校的营销策略对比:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_5209.html