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时间:2017-04-22 15:51来源:毕业论文

Title      The method of the electric car battery charging station
This paper combined the development status of electric car charging station and the related research both at home and abroad. According to the practical problems in planning and construction of electric car charging stations,systematically studied the charging facilities layout planning. During construction of the charging station,we shall give full consideration to the economic establishment of the station and the user's convenience,reasonable size to avoid resources idle and waste as well as user's needs of charge. This plan based on the planning scale, studied on the method of charging facilities layout. After defined the of electric car charging demand,we focused on the view of how to improve the service levels of charge,established the programming model of charging stations with the queuing theory. On this basis,from point view of the user,established a net work layout methodology of charging facilities with gravity method and the facility location theory. Finally,took Nanjing city as an illustrative example to analysis. This research may provide the basis for planning charge station,as well as reference for address selection of charging station which are being planned to build.
KEYWORDS: Electric Cars; Electric Vehicle Charging Station; Charge Demand Forecast; Layout Planning
目 录
1  引言    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2研究意义    1
1.3国内外电动汽车充电站发展现状    2
1.4研究的主要内容及技术路线    5
2  相关理论及方法综述    7
2.1电动汽车和充电站简介    7
2.2选址相关理论概述    15
3  电动汽车充电设施布局规划相关问题研究    17
3.1电动汽车充电设施布局规划的基本原则    17
3.2电动汽车充电站规划步骤    18
3.3电动汽车市场定位及充电模式分析    19
4  电动汽车充电站选址模型的构建    22
4.1公共快速充电站建站规模规划    22
4.2选址理论基础    26
4.3充电站区位选择模型    29
5  以南京市为案例的电动汽车充电设施布局规划    31
5.1电动汽车发展预测    31
5.2充电设施建设数量的计算    31
5.3设施站址的确认    34
6  总结    36
致 谢    37
参考文献    38
1  引言
自从工业革命时起,如何有效地利用能源,一直是人们致力研究的问题,尤其是爆发能源危机以来,世界各国对于有限能源的有效利用问题越来越重视。进入二十世纪中叶,我们突然发现,我们所居住的空间已不再舒适,环境污染已经成为我们不得不解决的重大问题。 电动汽车充电站布局选址方法研究:http://www.751com.cn/guanli/lunwen_5457.html