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小学语文“微课程”教学设计应用研究以《汉语拼音j q x》为例

时间:2018-11-18 18:58来源:毕业论文

Application research on primary school Chinese teaching design of micro-lecture --"Chinese pinyin j q x"for example
  Abstract: The development of the information age makes the mirco lesson into primary school Chinese curriculum,provides a leaning enviroment for students,in order to better meet the students' inpidual learning of primary school Chinese.At the present the majority of primary school Chinese class is still based on the traditional teaching mode.It is difficult to break through the key and difficult piont in teaching.So to supplement and extension of the traditional classroom by using micro teaching,improve the effect of the primary school Chinese teaching.Due to the micro teaching time is short,the teaching content,clear theme,rich teaching resources and the application of primary school Chinese curriculum,effectively improve the teaching effect,at the same time, improve the students' interest in learning method.In this paper,through analysis of primary school Chinese mirco teaching necessity and feasibility,to "pinyin"lesson as an example to introduce how to design the primary language of micro course, in order to help the primary school Chinese teachers teaching and primary school students leaning.
  Keywords: Primary school Chinese;Micro-lecture;The teaching design   
目  录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
1微课简介    2
1.1微课的概念    2
1.2微课的特点    2
2微课在小学语文教学中应用的必要性    3
  2.1小学语文教学中相遇的问题    3
  2.2小学语文微课教学的优势    3
3小学语文“微课程”教学设计    3
    3.1微课程在小学语文教学中的可行性分析    3
    3.2小学语文《汉语拼音j q x》为例“微课程”教学设计    4
    3.3“微视频”录制    6
4结语    8
参考文献    9
附录    10
致谢    12
小学语文“微课程”教学设计应用研究——以《汉语拼音 j q x》为例
“微课”教学作为当前最新的教学形式,在日常各层次教学中尚未得到普及和应用。这种教学模式是对常规课堂的一次巨大改革,为教学开辟了另一个途径。[1]面对新课程的标准,教师的工作不是简单的教给学生书本上的知识内容,应该在教学过程中让学生体验学习的乐趣,激发学生学习热情。通过新的教学模式、方法和手段来有效的提高学生学习效果。所以至今微课应用的教学模式是简单、实用、多元化,很受教师和学生的欢迎,但是也确实存在一些问题。因为微课是一个新事物,缺乏一定的理论指导,仍处于摸索阶段,这给教学带来有一定的矛盾。没有令人信服的案例研究证明如何设计、开发和实施。为了反映课程的应用范围和效果,实证研究在未来将更加关注特定的学科和课程设计的具体内容,并应用在普通教学中。 小学语文“微课程”教学设计应用研究以《汉语拼音j q x》为例:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_25985.html