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时间:2018-11-18 19:01来源:毕业论文

摘要:Flash 软件是一款功能强大的动画制作工具, 拥有文件体积小、复合性好、交互性强、课件缩放不变形和运行快捷等特点,能更好地服务于网络教学的需要,愈来愈受到各科教师的青睐。本文结合Flash课件的特点,以高中生物“细胞的增殖”这节课为例,通过对现阶段学生的心理特征和已有知识经验,以及该节课的教学目标的分析,使用Flash软件为制作此节课多媒体课件的工具,详细讲述了该节课的教学设计以及配套课件的文字脚本设计、制作脚本设计和课件制作过程。30326
Design and Manufacture of Flash Courseware on "Cell Proliferation" in High School Biology
Abstract: Flash software is a powerful animation tool ,it has advantages such as small document volume,complexity, interactivity ,fast function, and zooming without deformation etc .Which can meet the better needs of internet teaching, so more and more favored by teachers. This article based on the class of senior high school biology "cell proliferation", as this course selection flash of multimedia courseware tools.According to the characteristics of the Flash courseware in , According to the characteristics of the Flash courseware, the students at present stage characteristics and existing knowledge experience, as well as the teaching goal of the class .This article based on the class of senior high school biology "cell proliferation", as this course selection flash of multimedia courseware tools.According to the characteristics of the Flash courseware in , According to the characteristics of the Flash courseware, the students at present stage characteristics and existing knowledge experience, as well as the teaching goal of the class .It Detailed teaching design, script design , supporting courseware script design and the process of courseware making of the class .
Key words: Flash courseware ; High school biology; Cell proliferation; Sscript
目  录
摘要    1
Abstract    1
1概述    2
1.1 Flash软件简介    2
1.2 Flash课件的特点    2
2高中生物《细胞的增殖》课件设计    2
2.1教学设计    2
2.2脚本设计    6
2.2.1文字脚本设计    6
2.2.2制作脚本设计    6
3高中生物《细胞的增殖》课件制作    8
3.1素材准备    8
3.2课件制作    8
3.2.1主界面场景    8
3.2.2细胞周期场景    9
3.2.3有丝分裂场景    9
3.2.4高考链接场景    9
4总结    10
参考文献    10
致谢    11
1.1 Flash软件简介
Flash是美国的MACROMEDIA公司于1999年6月推出的优秀网页动画设计软件,用它可以将音乐,声效,动画以及富有新意的界面融合在一起,以制作出高品质的课件效果 。
 1.2 Flash课件的特点
Flash 课件是指利用Flash软件,依托信息网络,综合运用多种媒体手段来展示相对独立或完整的教学内容的多媒体课件。Flash课件的特点:
复合性好 ,交互性强。Flash可以将图形图像、动画、音频和视频等多种信息集成在一起,而其自带的Action Script 能提供强大交互功能,帮助教师根据教学情境操控课件,从而与学生间形成良好的交互。
强大的绘图、动画功能。Flash不仅具有灵活的图形绘制功能而且支持各种动画效果,如逐帧动画、形状补间动画、运动补间动画和遮罩动画等。合理运用这些功能可以制作出丰富多彩、生动多变的动画,继而可以激发学生的学习兴趣。 高中生物《细胞的增殖》Flash课件设计与制作:http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_25987.html