隔代教育是指亲生父母将儿童的教育和抚养责任全权交给了隔代家长即祖辈。而本文中将隔代教育定义为儿童大部分时间交由隔代家长负责照顾。有学者认为隔代教育减轻了家庭的经济重担,父母把儿童交给祖辈照看,就有时间放心去工作;也有学者认为经济的改善弥补不了儿童在教育上的损失,父母对儿童的关怀与教育是祖辈家长无法代替给予的,隔代教育的问题争议不断 。
Theory of Every Generation Education Effects on Preschool Children Socially in Development
- A Kindergarten Taipans in SuZhou as An Example
This research mainly USES observation recording, a kindergarten in suzhou a large (5-6 years old) of 35 children behavior. According to children's family education mode, the children are pided into every generation of education and the generation of two types of education. In the sample, a common cause, and every generation of education in the samples of different kinds of every generation of education, such as too much attention and severe punishment. Combined with the observation data, analysis and education of children in both peer intercommunion and pro-social behavior ability is lower than the generation of children education. Through analyzing the actual examples, it is concluded that to improve every generation of education on children's peer exchanges and pro-social behavior is bound to the impact of home cooperation, ensure that parents and children communication, the time of the game, every generation education and parent-child education reasonable time distribution, promote the development of children's healthy personality.
Key Words: every generation education; the social development; peer relations; prosocial behavior
目 录
摘 要 论隔代教育对学前儿童社会性发展的影响(2):http://www.751com.cn/jiaoxue/lunwen_54572.html